About the author:
Yeroshenko G. A., Yakushko O. S., Vilkhova O. V., Lysachenko O. D., Skotarenko T. A., Lichman D. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
Nowadays on the territory of Ukraine the number of higher educational institutions which have the opportunity to take foreign students to study is increasing. Consequently, the number of students from far and near abroad is growing. In this regard, the question of adapting foreign students to the new conditions of living and studying arises. Ukrainian scholars are studying a wide range of different adaptation indicators. Multinational composition of academic groups has a significant impact on the adaptation process, which affects the peculiarities of the students’ interaction both within the group and within the educational institution. The purpose of our study is the analysis of adaptive possibilities of first year students with an English language form of study. In order to investigate the peculiarities of students’ personal attitude towards learning and interpersonal relationships in the group a questionnaire was created. The questionnaire included 14 multiple-choice questions. The total number of respondents included 29 students. The survey was conducted anonymously. The results were calculated in percentages. In the course of the research it was determined that friendly relations with group mates and positive attitude of teachers mostly help in overcoming the difficulties of adaptation. A special role belongs to curators of the groups. Regarding the choice of the university and the future profession, most students follow the advice of their family members, not their own desires. This factor can adversely affect adaptation processes and even cause disappointment. The students’ desire to study is important for their adaptation. For the majority of respondents, the complexity lies in a large amount of information, which they receive both during practical classes and during their self-preparatory work. On the one hand, it shows their inability to study at a medical institution. On the other hand, this problem is easily eliminated by directing the student’s efforts to study how to study and developing the ability to highlight the core. It is of great importance as the profession of physician involves well-developed mental abilities, the ability to operate a significant flow of information simultaneously. The conducted research proves that improving the level of teaching and technical equipment also contributes to improving the quality of learning among students. One of the most effective ways of adaptation is engaging students to work scientific clubs and conferences. It is important to engage them in cultural events, which introduce them to Ukrainian culture and traditions. Taking part in psychological trainings can be especially helpful for students in order to eliminate misunderstandings and establish friendly relationships in academic groups. In conclusion, it is necessary to stress that the adaptation is a complex multicomponent process, which depends not only on the student himself, but also on the conditions in which he falls into.
foreign students, adaptation, English language learning form
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 180-183 pages, index UDK 378.147:61