Yaremchuk O. V.


About the author:

Yaremchuk O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The funding problem has always been in the perspective of leading scholars, especially when it comes to healthcare. Providing it with the necessary level of financial resources for efficient functioning has always been and still remains a topical issue. Recently, the most widespread issue of reform in the research area was the problem of lack of financial support. Accordingly, a number of draft laws are being developed, from the creation of additional budget funds to medical insurance. However, the perfect model for solving this problem has not yet been developed. Therefore, the peculiarities of financial support for the reform of the national health care system will require a detailed study. The research of the problem of financial support for the reform of the national health system was carried out by leading domestic and foreign scientists, in particular: Yu.B. Ivanov, Yu.V. Berezhnaya, D.O. Gohon, Yu.I. Chornoknizhne, T.M. Kotenko, V.F. Moskalenko, IV Komarova, T.M. Kaminskaya and others. Considering the considerable number of works devoted to this problem, nevertheless, it requires a more detailed study at the present stage. The main problems of financial support for the reform of the national health care system are investigated, the role of financial resources and their level for the proper functioning of this branch are determined. A detailed analysis of the financial expenditures from the budget for the health care system in Ukraine during 2012-2018 has been carried out. The main sources of financial provision of health care and directions of their use have been determined. The essence and necessity of reforming the health care system in Ukraine and significant changes in the financial part in accordance with the Draft CMU Resolution “On Approval of the Concept for the Construction of a New National Health Care System of Ukraine” of 07/14/2014 and the Concept of the Development of the Financial Security System in the Sphere Health Care.


financing of health care system, health system reform, financial resources, financing problems, finances, financial support, expenses of the state budget.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (151), 2019 year, 227-231 pages, index UDK 351.72:347.73