Karatieieva S. Yu., Slobodian O. M., Peryzhniak A. I., Slobodian K. V., Protsak T. D.


About the author:

Karatieieva S. Yu., Slobodian O. M., Peryzhniak A. I., Slobodian K. V., Protsak T. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In order to establish the circumference of the chest of students of higher education institutions in Bukovina, depending on the sport, a study of anthropometric parameters on 129 first- and second-year students of higher education institutions in Chernivtsi, from 17 to 21 years. Of these, 83 (64.4%) were boys and 46 (35.6%) were girls, the main group was 89 (69%) students, the control group – 40 (31%). Students of the main group, in addition to physical activity, which was included in the program of their specialty, additionally engaged in the following sports: football – 40 (44.9%) students, volleyball – 18 (20.3%), tennis – 10 (11.2%), fitness – 9 (10.1%), basketball – 7 (7.9%), freestyle wrestling – 5 (5.6%). All students were subjected to anthropometric research, according to the method of V.V. Bunak in the modification of P.P. Shaparenko (determination of body length and weight) parameters and partial (chest circumference during inhalation, exhalation and at rest). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using a licensed program RStudio. So, in comparison, basketball players (93.14±3.0 cm, 82.71±3.0 cm, 89.00±3.0 cm) have the largest circumference of the chest (inhale, exhale and at rest), and students engaged in wrestling (92.00±3.0 cm, 82.00±3.0 cm, 87.40±3.0 cm), almost at the same level volleyball players (90.22±3.0 cm, 81,61±3.0 cm, 84.83±3.0 cm), and tennis players (89.70±3.0 cm, 79.00±3.0 cm, 85.00±3.0 cm), then soccer players (89.45±3.0 cm, 81.07±3.0 cm, 85.15±3.0 cm), and the least those who are engaged in fitness (82.66±3.0 cm, 75.77±3.0 cm, 77.44±3.0 cm). It was also found that a significant factor for the circumference of the chest when inhaling is weight and height, when exhaling and at rest is weight. Models for predicting chest circumference during inhalation are derived: y=70.499+0.639 * x1 – 0.133 * x2 , where y is chest circumference (inhalation), x1 is weight, x2 is height (coefficient of determination is 0.673); when exhaling: y=44,756+0,562 * x, where y is the circumference of the chest (exhalation), x is weight (coefficient of determination is 0.573); at rest y=47,034+0,575 * x, where y is the circumference of the chest (respiratory arrest), x is weight (coefficient of determination is 0.628).


athletes, anthropometry, chest circumference.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (165), 2022 year, 70-80 pages, index UDK 611.94.061-023.1-057.875:796