Nikolenko D. Ye., Babenko V. I., Fylenko B. M., Royko N. V., Koka V. M., Zadvornova A. P.


About the author:

Nikolenko D. Ye., Babenko V. I., Fylenko B. M., Royko N. V., Koka V. M., Zadvornova A. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The paper investigates the patterns of morphological changes in the simulated burn disease based on the study of structural and functional degrees of damage to the rat kidneys from the local thermal burns of the skin and the possibility of their regenerative capacity in the experiment. Morphological study was performed on the kidney tissue of rats, exposed to thermal injury to the skin with water in the experiment (15 albino male rats of reproductive age). The rats were sacrificed in compliance with the procedure for experimental animals within 24 hours after the beginning and on day 7 of the experiment. Light optical microscopy of histological sections of kidney tissue was performed after staining with hematoxylin and eosin according to standard technique; additionally, Van Gieson’s picrofuchsin stain was made. At the end of day 1, the vessels of the cortical layer were depleted and pronounced plethora of the microcirculatory bed of the cerebral layer with focal hemorrhages was noted. Dystrophy and desquamation of podocytes, endothelial cells and fragmentation of the basement membrane of glomerular capillaries were observed. Van Gieson’s picrofuchsin stain of the kidney tissue revealed that the fibrous elements of the connective tissue were fragmentary.The lumens of some tubules of the cerebral layer were excessively stretched with foci of tubulorrhexis. Hydropic dystrophy and vacuolization of nuclei with areas of the focal colliquation necrosis was observed in the cytoplasm of the nephrothelium. Following seven days of burn disease, the improvement in hemodynamics in most cortex renal corpuscles, complete regeneration of capillaries with restoration of filtration function, as well as incomplete regeneration in the form of scarring in renal corpuscles was noted. Restoration of blood supply to the parenchyma of the nephrons was accompanied by complete regeneration of the epithelium of the tubules of the cortical and cerebral matter. It has been established that the first day of exposure to burn injury was accompanied by hypoxia of renal tissue, juxtamedullary shunting of the blood flow and morphological alternative changes of the renal glomeruli and tubules. On day 7, the phenomena of regeneration of damaged structures in preservation of the inflammatory response were noted.


burn disease, kidney damage, regeneration, morphology


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (165), 2022 year, 175-183 pages, index UDK 616.61-001.1:599.323.4:612.8