Boyko Ju. S., Sokolenko L. S., Tanasiichuk Iu. M.


About the author:

Boyko Ju. S., Sokolenko L. S., Tanasiichuk Iu. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The search for ways to increase the physical activity of student youth remains relevant, due to the decline in health, which continues to be observed. Aim is to determine the features of changes in morphofunctional indicators of students in response to dosed exercise.Object and methods. The study involved almost healthy graduates of 18±0.7 years of I-II courses (n=40), who did not play sports regularly in the past and present. To determine the state of the cardiovascular system of students in response to the test with dosed physical activity Martine-Kushelevsky used a certified device PJSC «Omega-M». To determine the state of the respiratory system used measurements of vital capacity of the lungs. Performance was determined using the PWC170 test by bicycle ergometry. To determine the level of overall endurance, running for 1000 was used. Those who volunteered for the study were divided into test groups according to the principle: group 1 (n=20) included students who played sports; group 2 (n=20) included students who were engaged in acyclic / cyclic types of physical culture and sports activities. Results. After the dosed exercise test, the level of adaptation in individuals who were engaged mainly in acyclic / cyclic physical activity increased, but insignificantly (p>0.05). Heart rate after the third minute of recovery at the end of the functional test in both groups of subjects did not differ significantly (p>0.05). For all other indicators, there was a significant increase in response to dosed test exercise in both groups. The body weight of the studied groups did not have significant changes (p>0.05). The same applies to the results of the 1000 m run in the subjects of group 1. Other indicators changed significantly in both groups from the beginning to the end of the study. Discussion. It was found that for the current experimental sample there was no significant difference in the impact of mostly different types of training loads, the results of the body’s response to dosed exercise. It can be argued that the regularity of classes on programs based on the principles of physical education and increase the overall level of physical activity are the factors that determine the adaptive morphofunctional restructuring of life support systems of student youth. Conclusions. In general, increasing the time of organized physical activity of physical culture and sports contributes to improving the health of applicants, as evidenced by the dynamics of morphofunctional indicators throughout the study and in response to dosed exercise. Prospects for further research. Further research will be aimed at building a comprehensive program of physical culture and health work with students of the special medical group.


physical activity, students, physical education.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 Part 2 (165), 2022 year, 280-289 pages, index UDK 706.011+796.032