Slobodian O. M., Zabrodska O. S., Protsak T. V., Tsurkan I. M.


About the author:

Slobodian O. M., Zabrodska O. S., Protsak T. V., Tsurkan I. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The success ofsurgical interventionslargely depends on comprehensive information about the features of the topography and variants of the structure of the venous intravenous vessels of the liver. The largest brought liver vessel in fetuses is the umbilical vein (UV), which passes in the fissure of the round ligament of the liver and gives from 2 to 5 branches to the left lobe of the liver and the same amount to the square one. At the level of the left edge of the transverse sulcus, the UV is divided into three terminal branches: the posterior branch to the left lobe, the venous duct, and the anastomatic branch, through which the UV is connected to the portal hepatic vein (PHV). After analyzing a number of scientific literature, we can say that in human fetuses, any part of the liver has independent sources of blood supply, namely: the left and square particles feed on the UV; tail – anastomatic branch; right – anastomatic branch and PHV. In all cases, the branching site of the PV significantly exceeds the branching portion of the PHV. The peculiarity of the circulatory system of the liver is that the blood passes to it by two vessels – the hepatic artery and the PHV, and the hepatic veins are obtained into the inferior vena cava. Interestingly, 75% of all blood passing to the liver is carried by the PHV, and 25% is carried by the hepatic artery. Some authors, studying the relationship of the umbilical vein and PHV with liver parenchyma in fetuses and children under 10 years of age, described four of their variants: 1) UV, well traced to the place where it flows into the portal system; 2) there is a connective tissue membrane between the left and square particles of the liver; 3) there is a parenchymal bridge between the left and square liver particles; 4) UV passes through the thickness of the left side of the liver. In modern literature, the anatomy of the umbilical and closely related umbilical veins is little covered, despite the research carried out in this area as early as the 19th century. The round ligament of the liver is a fibrous remnant of obliterated UV, but a small lumen of the UV remains in adulthood. A thorough and detailed study of the peculiarities of the intraorgan relationship between the venous structures of the liver in the prenatal period of ontogenesis can, to some extent, serve as a basis for successful antenatal prophylaxis, improvement of existing and development of new surgical techniques for surgical interventions in young children and help to clarify the diagnosis of congenital defects and acquired after birth of liver disease.


umbilical vein, portal hepatic vein, liver, fetus, embryogenesis.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 66-69 pages, index UDK 611.149.7/.8.013.018(048.8)