Tykhonovych K. V., Kryvoruchko T. D., Berehovyi S. M., Neporada K. S.


About the author:

Tykhonovych K. V., Kryvoruchko T. D., Berehovyi S. M., Neporada K. S.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Abstract. During the last decade, there has been a steady increase in the incidence of diabetes (DM) around the world. According to the latest estimates of the International Diabetes Federation, as of 2021, the number of adults with diabetes has reached 537 million. Diabetic neuropathy is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus with high morbidity and mortality and is one of neurodegenerative disorders of the peripheral nervous system. The salivary glands are considered to be the main exocrine glands of the oral cavity and physiologically contribute to the maintenance of oral homeostasis. The literature confirms the correlation between diabetes and salivary gland complications, in particular changes in key proteins in patients with diabetes, which significantly impair salivary gland function.The aim of the study was to investigate the activity of α-amylase, to analyze the proteinase-inhibitory potential, the state of lipid peroxidation, carbonyl oxide stress, antioxidant system in the salivary glands of rats under conditions of streptozocin-induced diabetic neuropathy. Experimental diabetic neuropathy in rats was induced by the intraperitoneal administration of a single injection of sreptozocin at a dose of 65 mg/kg (Streptozocin, “Sigma”, USA). To confirm the presence of diabetes mellitus in rats on the 30th day of the study, a glucose tolerance test was performed. To confirm the development of diabetic neuropathy, we used the strain-algometric method of measuring the pain threshold (Randall-Selitto). In the homogenate of the mandibular salivary glands of rats, we determined α-amylase activity, total proteolytic activity, total antitryptic activity, level of TBA-active products, level of oxidatively modified proteins, level of medium weight molecules and catalase activity. According to our data, streptozocin-induced diabetic neuropathy causes inhibition of the protein-synthetic activity of the mandibular salivary glands of animals, which causes a decrease in amylase activity. Under these conditions, the proteinase-inhibitory balance varies according to the compensatory type. We found that under the conditions of modeling diabetic neuropathy in the tissues of the mandibular salivary glands of rats, lipid peroxidation processes are activated against the background of increased antiradical protection, which indicates a decompensatory balance of pro- and antioxidant systems. Streptozocin-induced diabetic neuropathy promotes the development of pathological changes in the mandibular salivary glands of rats, as evidenced by impaired protein-synthetic function, changes in proteinase-inhibitory and pro / antioxidant balance.


diabetic neuropathy, salivary glands, proteinase-inhibitory potential, pro- and antioxidant systems.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 194-198 pages, index UDK 616.833-02:616.379-008.64-02:615.33]:616.316]-092.9