Lokes K. P., Avetikov D. S., Yatsenko I. V., Rozkolupa O. O.


About the author:

Lokes K. P., Avetikov D. S., Yatsenko I. V., Rozkolupa O. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Training of highly educated, competitive medical and stomatological specialists who are constantly developing and self-improving is the main task of higher medical educational institutions. To achieve this goal requires a symbiosis of teacher and graduate, given the mutual interest in obtaining results. Research results and their discussion. The development of intellectual and creative potential of applicants for higher medical and stomatological education is carried out only during the long-term learning process, which gradually forms the potential for training a highly effective specialist. There are a number of factors that affect the level of interest of higher education students in learning. They are represented by the effective work of the teacher, the skillful use of innovative learning technologies, the quality of material, forms, methods and techniques of classes, the teacher’s attitude to future professionals. An important condition for the pedagogical activity of teachers of higher medical school is the formation of students’ skills and abilities to learn, independently select the most important and necessary information. The essence of the formation of educational activities is to create motives for education, which should guide young people to actively acquire knowledge, skills and abilities. The most powerful motives for acquiring knowledge are learning situations created by the teacher, and personal success and self-affirmation of learners, which are also stimulated by the teacher. For effective training at clinical departments it is necessary to constantly intensify the cognitive and educational activities of students and focus their attention on obtaining the necessary practical skills, gradually forming the independence of future dentists in making the right decisions for each clinical case. Conclusion. Thus, the training of future dentists requires the teaching staff to use not only classic, but also the latest, often interactive, methods of practical training and continuous self-improvement.


educational process, clinical departments


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 227-229 pages, index UDK 378.147:616.314