Horbachenko O. B., Shvetsʹ A. I., Dubrovina O. V., Rozhnov V. H., Hordiyenko L. P., Koptev M. M., Oliinichenko Ya. O.


About the author:

Horbachenko O. B., Shvetsʹ A. I., Dubrovina O. V., Rozhnov V. H., Hordiyenko L. P., Koptev M. M., Oliinichenko Ya. O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


In elderly people, inflammation of the vegetative nodes of the head (ganglionitis) is very common. But the treatment of this category of patients cannot be effective without a detailed study of the topography of the vegetative nodes of the head and the features of their connections with other vegetative nodes of the head. The aim of the study was to evaluate the blockade of the auricular vegetative node effectiveness carried out taking into account the peculiarities of its topography depending on the skull shape. The study included 10 patients diagnosed with ear ganglionitis. Five of them had brachycephalic (group I) and the other 5 – dolichocephalic (group II) skull shape. Patients were ranged in age from 43 to 62 years; the disease duration was 1-7 years. All clinical trials were conducted in accordance with the principles of bioethics and deontology. Auricular vegetative node blockage was performed by mandibular nerve central anesthesia according to Weisblat in the temporal fossa, which was modified depending on the skull shape. The successful blockade diagnostic sign for ear ganglionitis was the cessation of pain after administration of 2% lidocaine solution. The ear vegetative node relatively to the outer base of the skull and foramen oval can take high, low and middle position. At a high position, this node is separated with a small layer of loose fibre, and at a low one it moves 4-7 mm down. In people with brachycephalic form of the skull and a chameprosopic form of the face this node occupied the posterosuperior position and in people with a dolichocephalic form of the skull and leptoprosthetic form of the face it occupied an anteroinferior one. So, for the maximally accurately the needle brought to the ear vegetative node during its blockade, it is necessary to use a modification of mandibular nerve central anesthesia according to Weisblat in the temporal fossa. It is an additional needle inclination up or down 10 degrees depending on the skull structure and node location. The authors believe that variants of the variability of the form and size of the vegetative nodes of the head and their connections are of definite importance for substantiating the clinical manifestations in patients with ganglionitis, especially when planning their treatment in a hospital.


ear vegetative node, ganglionitis, blockade, anthropometry, skull shape.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 262-265 pages, index UDK 611.714-071.3+616. 833. 18-002-08