Radomychelski I.-M., Piddubnyi A., Domashenko M., Moskalenko R.


About the author:

Radomychelski I.-M., Piddubnyi A., Domashenko M., Moskalenko R.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Pathological biomineralization is associated with increased morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular disease. Pathological modifications of the fibrous component and intercellular substance affect the elasticity, extensibility, strength of the aortic wall, but much less attention is given for their study. The aim of work is to study the pathomorphological properties of atherosclerotic-changed aorta under conditions of various forms of pathological biomineralization. Materials and methods. The study was performed on 60 samples of atherosclerotic-changed aorta. 30 samples of abdominal mineralized aortas (group M) were examined, which were divided after histological examination according to the size of calcifications into group M1 (macroscopic calcifications) and M2 (microscopic calcifications), with 15 samples in each group. Calcification up to ≤2 mm was considered to be microscopic, >2 mm – macroscopic30 aortic tissue samples without signs of biomineralization (group C) were used as control group. Methods of macroscopic description, histology, histochemistry were used to study the histopathological changes of aortic tissue. Results. The average age of the patients group with pathological aortic biomineralization significantly exceeds the mean age of the control group – 68.43±1.32 (M) and 51.8±2.56 (C) years (p<0.05), which corresponds to the idea of the temporal intervals of complicated atherosclerosis development. The important changes in aortic tissues around biomineral deposits were identified in our study. Histological examination, as well as histochemical staining of the studied samples with alcyan blue, PAS-reagent, revealed an uneven distribution of glycoproteins and acidic GAGs in the fibrous and intercellular components. The occurrence of mucoid edema elements in the areas of calcification formation was noted. Pathohistological changes in the form of edema and defibrillation of elastic fibrils in the areas adjacent to the calcifications were detected, which visually didn´t show any signs of direct damage.


atherosclerosis, aorta, pathological biomineralization, histology, histochemistry, biomechanical properties.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 285-290 pages, index UDK 616.13-004.6-091.8-073.756.8