Mokryk O. Ya., Havryltsiv S. T., Ushtan S. V., Dmytryshyn Yu. B.


About the author:

Mokryk O. Ya., Havryltsiv S. T., Ushtan S. V., Dmytryshyn Yu. B.



Type of article:

Scentific article


A significant number of dental outpatients (up to 76% of cases) are diagnosed with temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Patients with musculoskeletal dysfunction of the TMJ may also experience sensory disturbances of the face, myogenic chronic pain (prosopalgia). In clinical practice, the use of diagnostic and therapeutic blockades (selective anesthesia) is effective to detect the focus of pain on the face or to establish the level of damage to the branches of the trigeminal nerve. The aim of the study – to study the effectiveness of selective anesthesia for the topical diagnosis of sensory disorders of the face and prosopalgia in patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction.Materials and methods of research. For topical diagnosis of local sensory disorders in the lateral part of the face and prosopalgia in 11 patients with dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints, intraoral selective anesthesia of the buccal nerve was used at its location near the lateral pterygoid and temporal muscles according to the methods of S.M. Shuvalov and Iwanaga J. and co-authors. Results. After selective anesthesia in the area of the lateral pterygoid muscle on the affected side, all patients indicated relief of pain in the TMJ and in 8 cases also in the lateral area of the face. At the same time, the paresthesia of the skin of the buccal or chin areas in the corner of the mouth disappeared. However, in 3 clinical cases, sensory disorders persisted in the buccal area, intraoral palpation of the temporalis muscle caused pain in such patients. After applying local anesthesia according to the method of Iwanaga J. and co-authors, the local clinical manifestations of buccal nerve neuropathy were reduced. Blockade of motor and sensory branches of the mandibular nerve in the area of the lateral pterygoid muscle according to the method of S.M. Shuvalov proved to be more effective and statistically significant (Pearson’s criterion – χ2 – 4,545, p=0,034) for topical diagnosis of sensory disorders of the face and prosopalgia. Conclusions. The use of selective anesthesia for the topical diagnosis of sensory disorders on the face and prosopalgia in patients with painful dysfunction of the temporomandibular joints allows to establish the myogenic causes of local clinical symptoms of buccal nerve neuropathy.


temporomandibular joint dysfunction, facial sensory disorders, prosopalgia, buccal nerve, topical diagnosis, selective anesthesia.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (162), 2021 year, 320-324 pages, index UDK 616.724-039-036-079.4