The Role of Vasoconstrictive Function of Endothelium in the Pathogenesis of Cardiovascular and Bronchopulmonary Pathology
About the author:
Treumova S. I., Boryak V. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Recently, in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary pathology a considerable attention has been paid to the study of condition of endothelial dysfunction (ED) as a pathogenetic component of these diseases. The evidence from publications related to clinical-pathogenetic role of ED, its vasoregulating dysfunction, where endothelin-1 (ET-1) takes the leading place, have been studied. Adequate functioning of endo- theliocytes is crucial for vascular tone (systemic vascular resistance), nonthrombogenity of vascular wall, activity of thrombocytes and blood coagulation; inflammatory oxidant process, as well as structural retention of vascular wall and signs of atherogenesis. Dysfunction of regulatory effects, mentioned above, leads to changes in the organs and systems that constitute the pathogenetic basis for various pathologic processes, e. g., cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary pathology. Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (COLD), with its complication - chronic cor pulmonale (CCP), is the major disease in the development of bronchopulmonary pathology. Nowadays the number of COLD cases is increasing worldwide, especially among the people after 40. Its severe clinical course rate is rising and persistent inability to work and mortality is increasing. According to statistics, the number of patients with CCP of bronchopulmonary origin in combination with various diseases of internal organs, especially cardiovascular system, is increasing. Great number of experts inform that COLD for sure should be considered as poly morbid state. A considerable wide-spreadness, frequent complications, involvement of adjacent organs into pathological process, severity of complications, patient’s persistent inability to work and enormous economic expenses determine the actuality of investigation of this problem. This problem is defined by the international experts in the document, named “Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease - GOLD”, approved in September, 2000 at the Congress of European Respiratory Association. According to the analysis, ET-1 takes the leading place in the development of ED in patients with cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary pathology, COLD in particular. The increased level of ET-1 results in the development of pulmonary, arterial hypertensions, chronic cor pulmonale (CCP) and ischemic heart disease. It is the significant factor and marker of the ED development. Presented data showed that patients with bronchopulmonary pathology, even at the early stage of COLD development, when the there are no signs of CCP yet, have the increased level of ET-1, affecting the cardiovascular system. Its cardial effect is expressed by positive inotropic and bathmotronic impact. Vascular effect causes vasoconstriction, which plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of multiple types of arterial hypertension. Its gradual, increasing vasoconstriction causes myocardial ischemia, results in stenocardia, cardiac infarction as well as worsening of their clinical course. ET-1 has the most significant effect on vascular tone, more frequently resulting in essential hypertension of renal origin, as it is the local hormone. The increase of its level depends on severity of clinical course, making the changes of endothelium evident. Hypoxia, which constantly accompanies bronchopulmonary diseases, is the strong stimulus for synthesis and release of ET-1. This leads to remodeling of pulmovascular bloodstream, disruption of other vessels, hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Concentration of ET-1 is in the high correlation dependence on the level of pulmonary hypertension. It has been ascertained that its level considerably increases in the patients with primary and secondary pulmonary hypertension, and mostly in the patients from the first group. Free radicals and smoking have a great effect on the increase of its level that leads to early disruption of vascular tone, severity of disease progression. The obtained data, as well as those mentioned in the publications, prove the involvement of ET-1in the development of circulatory deficiency when COLD is complicated with chronic cor pulmonale. It facilitates vasoconstriction, depresses myocardium contraction and controls the processes of ventricle of heart and vessels remodeling. Thus, the increase of ET-1 level is not only of diagnostic importance, but also a prognostic one. Its high concentration predicts the probability of more severe clinical course. It is of practical importance in the elaboration of complex therapy of patients with bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular pathology.
Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, endothelial dysfunction, endothelin-1, arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease
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«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 31-35 pages, index UDK 616. 12/. 13 ± 616. 23/. 24