Dolgopolov A. M., Kobtseva O. A.

The Teaching Aspects of Orthodontics Studing at the Undergraduate Education Level

About the author:

Dolgopolov A. M., Kobtseva O. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The development of medical education in Ukraine requires a new approach to the organization of the educational process. This is particularly important in terms of Ukraine’s joining into the Bologna process.  Orthodontics is a one of the complex sections of dentistry including for students’ training. The study of orthodontics involves mastering by students a lot of information about the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental-maxilla-facial anomalies. Certainly, an important point in teaching of students is to increase of studying motivation. To achieve this goal, firstly, we can demonstrate the significance of the profession (examples of successful career of the famous orthodontists). Secondly, and most importantly, you need to show for students the results of orthodontic treatment. In orthodontics it is easily achieved by the demonstration of the jaws models of patients before and after orthodontic treatment. For the group as a whole it is better to use a computer with a multimedia projector. From our point of view a good catalyst for improving the quality of training results may be creating the right studying climate in group. A teacher at the first lesson is necessary “to separate” group, i. e. identify those who want to study and demonstrate this through their actions and their antipodes. In our opinion, it is necessary to make greater use of teaching methods of rewards and punishments. The reproach that said in an academic style can make a student to revise his attitude to the subject. Alternatively, to create a competitive moment in the group and to increase motivation you can use the following pedagogical way. At the first lesson, after ascertaining the initial level of knowledge in orthodontics you should relocate “good” students from the teacher on the left, but more “weak” students - on the right side. At the each subsequent lesson, depending on their level of demonstrated knowledge, you can change their places, relocating from left to right and back. In some cases, wounded pride is a very powerful motivator. For the weak students the additional individual lessons are required, of course, if they show any interest in orthodontics studying. Memory is processes set of memorization, preservation, reproduction, remembering, and forgetting. There are several physiological mechanisms contributing to memorize information. We have considered the simplest and most suitable mechanisms. The first of these is known to all: reverb of nerve impulses in closed neuronal circuits. Simply put: “A repetition is the mother of learning. ” However, memorization of information depends on the initial motivation, concentration, authority of the teacher, his ability to clear, simple, and coherently to present the material. The second memory physiological mechanism is based on such phenomenon as the summation of the excitation and the convergence of different modalities pulses on the same neurons. In this case the information to a group of neurons related to memory comes in several channels, such as auditory, visual, verbal, and tactile. This is possible due to the fact that different neuronal axons may terminate at the same neuron. In this case, the neuron information becomes easier a long-term memory. The student must hear and see the information, and more importantly say it. The verbal aspect is very important. This is especially important because most of today’s students have a small vocabulary; the ability to express their thoughts is difficult. This is especially true about presentation of specialized material with difficult, specialized terminology.


studying, orthodontics, students, education


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 50-52 pages, index UDK 616. 314-089. 23:378. 147