Kryvenkyi T. P.

Introduction of Innovative Forms of Teaching of the Students-dentists in the State Higher Educational Institution «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»

About the author:

Kryvenkyi T. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


European educational system provides for the increase in the learning activity of the students, strict requirements towards the quality of the subject teaching, stimulation and perfection of the processes of monitoring the education quality and evaluation of the level of mastering by future specialists of the educational and professional programs, creation of the modern informational, educational and methodical base for teaching each discipline, modernization of the material and technical base. In order to improve the quality of the training of the specialists the profile educational-practical centre (EPC) “Dentistry” has been created on the premises of the dentistry department of the SHEI “ Ivano-Frankivsk national medical university”. It is equipped with modern devices, waxworks and phantoms. The center includes 4 phantom offices and 9 offices of different functional use: №1 - 3-D technologies, №2 - office of urgent care, №3 - phantom office of the department of surgical dentistry, №4 - smelting room, №5 - clinical hall of dental implantation, №6 - clinical laboratory, №7 - prophylaxis of dental diseases, №8 - phantom office for orthopedic, children and therapeutic dentistry, №9 - phantom office of dental implantation, №10 - teaching of the laboratory stages of making the orthopedic constructions, №11 - office of the computer tomography, №12 - office of the functional diagnostics, №13 - office of the clasp prosthesis making. The offices of computer tomography, functional diagnostics, clinical hall for dental implantation and laboratory are located at the dentistry department of the postgraduate education faculty. The other offices are located at the profile faculties of the dental department. In the phantom office of the 3-D technologies the students are able to master the skills of the targeted X-ray radiography of the teeth, panoramic radiography of the jaws, analyze the data of the computer tomography. In the office of the urgent care the future doctors learn the techniques of conicotomy, master the skills of cardio pulmonary resuscitation, and learn how to provide urgent care during cardiac and respiratory arrests, cardiovascular collapse, asthma attacks and allergic reactions; during different states of shock, coma, poisonings and electrocutions. In the phantom office, located on the premises of the surgical dentistry department, the students practice different methods of anesthesia and learn how to extract teeth of different groups. The educational and practical center “Smelting room” was created for teaching of dental technicians. During the practical classes they are able to master the methods of modeling the crowns, bridge like prosthesis; production of the fireproof models; creating of the wax composition in the moulding box; release of the formed prosthesis from the moulding box; cutting of the dental cast system. In the office of the prophylaxis of the dental diseases the students learn the methods of cleaning teeth using different techniques, the rules of flossing, care for the hygiene products, ways of massaging the gums with fingers and tooth brush, the rules for rinsing oral cavity and performing mouth baths. In the phantom office the students practice the methods of cavities preparation in different types of teeth, learn how to prepare the hard tissues of the teeth for the installment of the different kinds of solid orthopedic constructions. In the same office the students practice the techniques of filling various types of cavities using different materials. In the phantom office of the dental implantation the future dentists learn to make models of the implants, take imprints using open and closed spoon, plan the implantation on the model with the help of the X-ray, prepare the gums for the implants, learn the techniques of implants installment, choosing and installment of the abatement and also fixation of the orthopedic construction for the implant. During learning of the laboratory stages the students make wax bases with biting rolls, form artificial teeth rows using glass, produce bent clammers and solid Ney systems, plaster the wax reproduction of the removable prosthesis in the cuvette by inverse method, exchange wax with plastic using compression and moulding techniques, grind and polish the ready for use removable prosthesis, model the post resector prosthesis, study the methodology of the parallelometry. In the office of the clasp prosthesis making the students prepare the model for gemination and perform it, produce fireproof models, model the frame of the clasp prosthesis, mill the elements of the frame and parts of the lock, create the dental casting system for forming and finishing of the frame, mask the saddle parts and install artificial teeth. We have found out that the application of the innovative methods of teaching and the use of modern devices and apparatuses contribute to the constant improvement of the students’ knowledge level at the dentistry department and help to train the high quality specialists.


educational and practical centers, innovative technologies, students, dentistry


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 53-56 pages, index UDK 378. 147 ± 614. 253. 4 ± 616. 314