Estimation of Fluorides Absorption by Artemisia Absinthium L. Species of Plants from Meadow Biotopes of Chernivtsi Region
About the author:
Perepelitsa O. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Estimation of fluorides absorption by Artemisia absinthium L. species of plants has been made in the study with regard to geographical peculiarities of the site of the plants growth. Preliminary studies of dependence of fluorides absorption by plants of Chernivetska oblast’ meadow habitats from edaphic factors have shown that each of the species of plants has its own preference set of soil physicochemical parameters which, in complex, influence the content of fluorides in the plant. The results of regressive analysis have shown that the content of fluorides for the overground part of Artemisia absinthium L. is determined by sum of absorbed bases, which means that accumulation of Fluorine takes place on non-acidic soils. To determine the influence of orographic factors on fluorine content in the system soil-plant the content of fluorides in the soil and in the plants from sloping and flat, dry and floodplain ecotopes has been studied. Comparatively high content of movable forms of fluorine is registered on slopes (2. 69 ± 1. 994 mg/kg) which is, probably, related with prevalence of carbonaceous and brownsoils which have fluorine absorbing ability. Content of water- soluble forms is 0,88 ± 0,30 mg/kg and is in 3. 1 times (p < 0. 01) lower than the content of movable forms, which is connected with washing-out of soluble forms from the soil of sloping territories. However, the content of fluorine in underground part of the plants from slopes is 3 times (p < 0. 05) higher than in overground part, which indicates possible bonding of part of fluorides in the underground part. The content of fluorides in the overground part of plants from slopes is 1.5 times (p < 0. 01) lower than in the plants that grow on flat meadows. It has been found that the content of fluorides in the overground part of the plants from flat meadows is in 1. 6 times (p < 0. 01), and in the underground part in 1. 5 times (p < 0. 05) lower than the content of movable forms of fluorine in the soil of studied biotopes. These relations indicate that the content of fluorides in Artemisia absinthium L. plants from flat meadows is determined by the movable forms of fluorine. Comparative analysis of fluorides content in overground and underground parts of Artemisia absinthium L. plants from floodplains and dry soils have shown that the content of fluorine in the underground part of the plants from floodplains and dry lands is in 1. 9 times (p < 0. 001) higher than its content in the plant’s overground part. Wherein the fluorides content in the overground part of the plants from dry lands is 5. 7 times lower (p < 0. 05) than the content of water-soluble forms of fluorine. There were no reliable relations between content of fluorides in the plants of floodplains from the water-soluble forms found. Low content of movable forms of fluorine on floodplain meadows (0. 76 ± 0. 178 mg/kg) was noted, which is explained by creation of favorable conditions for their migration and increasing of content of fluorides in the underground part in conditions of increased humidification. Also for all of the studied biotopes the tendency to lowering the content of fluorine in the chain soil ^ underground part ^ overground part, has been noted. Thus it was determined that geographical peculiarities of plants growing territory influence the content of different forms of Fluorine in the soil and their availability to plants. It is recommended when gathering raw material of Artemisia absinthium L. species plants with heightened content of fluorides to take into consideration that plants of Artemisia absinthium L. species bound fluorides in their underground parts, and their content is determined by the movable forms of fluorine. The plants of Artemisia absinthium L. species accumulate fluorides in their overground parts on the non-acid soil of flat dry plains; in their underground parts - on dry slopes.
lanceolate leaf plantain (Artemisia absinthium L.), fluoride, accumulation, recommendations to the gathering of raw materials
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 66-69 pages, index UDK 615. 322:(582. 998. 16(477. 85)