Ben Ammar Saussen

Brain Natriuretic Peptide: Evaluation of Interaction Between Clinical Symptoms Evidence and Life Quality Indices in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

About the author:

Ben Ammar Saussen



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the research was to study the BNP levels in correlation with clinical symptoms evidence and life quality index in COLD patients. Materials and methods of research. All patients were stratified according to the degree of air-flow rate limitation and clinical symptoms evidence (mMRC-scale) and their effect onto the patients’ quality of life (CAT questioner) in compliance with the International classification technique (GOLD, 2011-2013) as for the formation of groups of patients for medical treatment; 120 patients with COLD have been involved into the study. 115 men and 5 women (average age is (58,5 ± 4,1) years old) have been clinically observed. Results of the research and their discussion. The study of the BNP levels, depending on dyspnea evidence, showed that the BNP level in COLD-II patients significantly (р 2264 > 0,05) depended on dyspnea evidence. So, in 1-point dyspnea evidence it constituted 86,1 ± 8,1 pg/cm3, in 2-points dyspnea evidence the BNP level was increasing to 95,2 ± 6,4 pg/cm3; at the same time the BNP level indices in patients with more evident dyspnea was significantly lowering to 60,9 ± 1,5 pg/cm3. In patients with COLD-ІІІ the BNP level was also characterized by the rising tendency under the increasing dyspnea evidence only: in its minimal evidence it constituted (216,5 ± 43,4) pg/cm3, and in 2-points and more the dyspnea evidence it constituted 250,2 ± 41,8 pg/cm3; at the same time the indices of BNP level in patient with COLD-ІІІ at all gradations of dyspnea evidence was significantly (р 2264 > 0,05) higher than in patients with COLD-ІІ. The average level of BNP in COLD-IV patients was 504,3 ± 58,4 pg/cm3; it was characterized by the invariably- high indices in 2-3-points dyspnea evidence and significant “peak” increase to 567,6 ± 73,2 pg/cm3 in 3-points and more dyspnea evidence (р 2264 > 0,05). In general, the BNP level significantly varied in all subjects, depending on dyspnea evidence, and, if in 1-2 points dyspnea evidence this level constituted (166,3 ± 23,1) pg/cm3 and (204,1 ± 35,4) pg/cm3 (р > 0,05), respectively, then in the 3-4-points dyspnea evidence the BNP level was significantly higher (р 2264 > 0,05). The study of BNP levels, depending on the level of disease’s effect onto patients’ quality of life (CAT-scale) showed that in COLD -ІІ the BNP level is not interacted with lowering of patients’ quality of life, whilst in COLD-ІІ the significant (р 2264 > 0,05) increase of BNP level was admitted in patients with substantial limitations of daily activity (patients with more than 20 points of the effect’s evaluation). So, in moderate COLD effect onto the life quality, the BNP level constituted 136,4 ± 19,2 pg/cm3, and during the apparent effect it was 377,6 ± 84,6 pg/cm3 (р 2264 > 0,001). The continuous rise of BNP level have been registered in patients with COLD- IV while the score of disease’s effect onto indices of their life quality was increasing: from 333,0 ± 64,56 pg/cm3 (in 11ч20 points) to 579,8 ± 118,9 pg/cm3 (in 31ч40 points), that indicates about more hormonal instability of patients from this group. Generally, the BNP level significantly varied in all subjects, depending on evident disease’s effect onto indices of life quality, and, if in patients with (0ч20) score of disease effect onto life quality the BNP level varied from 166,3 ± 29,3 pg/cm3 to 131,0 ± 15,4 pg/cm3, then during more significant effect of disease onto quality of life, this level was significantly rising (p 2264 > 0,001), reaching 579,8 ± 118,9 pg/cm3. In groups of differentiated therapy the BNP level was significantly (p 2264 > 0,001) different and characterized by the twice increase from one group to another: in “B” clinical group it constituted 76,4 ± 6,3 pg/cm3, in “С” clinical group - 169,8 ± 31,1 pg/cm3, and in “D” clinical group - 386,3 ± 39,6 pg/cm3, indicating about pathogenetic diversity of subjects (the term “diversity” is applied with reference to different stages of myocardium remodeling) and substantiating the need for individual correction of these disorders. Conclusions. The mechanisms of interaction between the degree of evidence of clinical symptoms and the BNP level have been found in patients with COLD, that also allows to explain the correlation with the processes of myocardium remodeling, since the BNP level, in this case, may be considered as a pathogenetic mediator. The study of BNP levels, depending on the disease effect level onto patients’ life quality showed that in COLD -ІІ the BNP level is not interacted with lowering of patients’ life quality, while in COLD-ІІ significant (p 2264 > 0,05) increase of BNP level has been detected in patients with substantial limitations of daily activity. Graphical and analytical (polynominal) models have been created to illustrate the BNP level dependence on the evidence of clinical symptoms and disease effect level onto life quality of patients with COLD, application of which allow to determine the predictable levels of BNP.


Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, brain natriuretic peptide, dyspnea, quality of life


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 70-75 pages, index UDK 616. 24-007. 272-036. 1-07 :616. 127]-085. 276 ± 615. 23