Kapustnik V. A., Suhonos N. K.

Comparative Analysis of Correlations between Metabolic Indices in Patients with Vibrational Disease in Combination with Hypertension

About the author:

Kapustnik V. A., Suhonos N. K.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The estimation of the immune and neuro-endocrine systems tension dynamics in patients with vibrational disease (VD) in combination wsth hypertension (H) by a method of the correlation adaptometry is the aim of this investigation. With increasing load adaptation in populations or groups level correlations between physiological parameters increases, and as a result of successful adaptation is reduced. The title of this effect (“ effect of group stress “) and the Group is reflected nonspecific nature of this reaction. Mathematical models to explain these phenomena at the conceptual level have been proposed in the paper. Physiological parameters may themselves be varied within wide limits, and the effect of the adaptive system clearly observed on the relationships between them. Based on this approach to the study of adaptation and its practical application called correlation adaptometry. Method correlation adaptometry, based on the analysis of correlations between physiological parameters, allows to evaluate the impact of unfavorable factors on population groups and different physiological systems. There were n = 107 patients with different stages (I, II) of VD in combination with (H) (n = 60) and without it (n = 47). Among these patients it was choosed 4 groups: I gr., n = 21 - VD-I; II gr, n = 26 - VD-II; III gr., n = 26 - VD-I± H; IVgr., n = 34- VD-II ± H. Control group had 22 apparently healthy men. In the work we used 27 physiological indices of the patients metabolic state (immune, neuro-endocrine systems). It was carried out analysis of the twin correlation of indices by Spirman with help of program SPSS v. 13. It was determined the presence of the “group stress effect” in the patients with VD in comparison with control: increasable number of the reliable correlative connections testifies about significant tension in immune, neuro-endocrine systems and metabolic indices in VD patients. We can talk about the obvious stress neuroendocrine regulation, particularly evident in group IV patients. The most informative parameter for evaluating the severity of pathological processes in the body is the correlation of the parameters of immune and neuroendocrine systems and the status of their metabolic activity. The obtained levels of total weights correlation graph G all metabolic parameters for a group of patients VB - I represent an increase of tension in the body’s immune, neuro- endocrine systems, which indicate the inclusion of additional adaptation reserves to restore the neuro- endocrine regulation. The obtained levels of total weights correlation graph G all metabolic parameters for a group of patients VB-I represent an increase of tension in the body’s immune, neuroendocrine systems, which indicate the inclusion of additional adaptation reserves to restore the neuro-endocrine regulation. We estimated the degree of the binding of parameters by correlative graph weight. It was determined of the some kind behavior of the correlative graph weight for the different groups patients GVD-I > GVD-II > GVD-I ± H > GVD-II ± H. Hypertension as an additional load on organism reduces the adaptic possibilities and causes breach of the organism’s homeostatic functions (structural and functional disorders of the neuro-endocrine regulation), especially in VD-II ± H group. Utilization of the correlation adaptometry results as information about adaptic changes in workers of unhealthy trade is expedient in disease-prevention service. Level of correlation between specially selected indicators of neuro-endocrine regulation will show how the body is adapted to the conditions of labor, habitat as a whole.


correlation adaptometry, vibrational disease, hypertension, neuro-endocrine regulation, metabolic indices.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 116-122 pages, index UDK 616. 12-008. 331. 1-001.34-057:577. 17