Methods of Phospholipase A2 Activity and Lipid Peroxidation Processes Correction in Rats under Conditions of Combined Damage by Cadmium and Cobalt Salts Kyryliv M. V.
About the author:
Kyryliv M. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Today there is a range of burning issues associated with the effect of heavy metal salts. Heavy metals are elements of Mendeleev periodic table with a relative molecular weight of more than forty. Mercury, lead, cadmium, chromium, manganese, nickel, cobalt, vanadium, copper, iron, zinc, antimony, and typical metalloids: arsenic and selenium were included to the group of the most dangerous heavy metals by the decision of European Economic Commission of UN. Effect of cadmium endangers humanity as ecopollutant. Cobalt is essential for the functioning of living organisms, but in excess it is toxic to the body. One of the main mechanisms of the damaging effect of cadmium and cobalt salts excessive concentrations is the generation of active oxygen forms, initiation of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and other types of biomolecules, leading to the development of oxidative stress. In view of the above circumstances, the search of drugs with high efficiency to the chelation of heavy metal ions continues. Metal complexes of amino acids with metals-microelements can show such activity and have an antioxidant effect. The aim of the study. To study the effect of metal complex of zinc tyrosinate on the phospholipase A2 activity and lipid peroxidation products content under conditions of toxic damage of rats by cadmium and cobalt chlorides. Object and methods of research. Experimental studies were conducted on nonlinear mature white male rats weighing 180-200 g. Animals were divided into 3 groups. The first group - intact animals, the second group - animals affected by cadmium and cobalt chlorides, the third group - animals affected by cadmium and cobalt chlorides, with the correction by zinc tyrosinate. Rats were injected an aqueous solution of cadmium chloride at a dose of 7 mg/kg of body weight and cobalt chloride at a dose of 5 mg/kg. Metal complex of zinc tyrosinate was injected at a dose of 0. 36 mg/kg. Decapitation of rats was performed under thiopental anesthesia in 1,4, 7 and 10 days from the moment of toxins introduction. We investigated blood plasma and liver tissue. The activity of phospholipase A2 (PLA2), the content of thiobarbituric acid-active products (TBA AP) and concentration of diene conjugates (DC) was determined. Digital material was subjected to statistical analysis using the Student’s t-test. Results and discussion of research. In the process of endogenous intoxication at the accumulation of toxins, products of proteolysis, products of lipid peroxidation (LPO) intracellular homeostasis is disturbed, including changing the intracellular concentration of calcium ions, which leads to the activation of PLA2. Studies have shown increased activity of PLA2 in animals infected by both cadmium and cobalt. Within 24 hours, this index was almost 2. 5 times higher than in intact animals, and on the 4th day 5. 6 times exceeded the norm. At combined damages by the salts of cadmium and cobalt level of DC in blood plasma and liver remained high throughout the experiment. The highest content of DC in plasma was observed on the 1st day. In the liver, the DC level reached 243 % after 4 days from the moment of intoxication. The highest content of TBA AP was recorded on the 4th day from the moment of damage, accounting for 173 % of the intact animals in plasma and 283 % in the liver. Increased entry of heavy metal ions causes condition of oxidative stress in the body. Searching for drugs with high efficiency to the chelation of heavy metal ions continues. Metal complexes of amino acids with metals-microelements can have such activity and show antioxidant effect. Metal complexes of zinc tyrosinate were used for the research. PLA2 enzyme activity during the injection of zinc tyrosinate decreased by 31 % on the 1st day of study and by 59 % on the 4th day compared with the activity of enzyme in infected rats. Application of zinc tyrosinate reduced the content of lipid peroxidation products throughout the experiment in animals with cadmium and cobalt chlorides intoxication. Content of DC on the 1st day of study decreased by 23 % in plasma and by 36 % in liver of corrected rats compared with the level of the affected animals. On the 4th day the changes were similar in nature both in plasma and in liver. The content of TBA AP in plasma on the 4th day significantly decreased by 12 % compared with animals that did not receive zinc tyrosinate. In rats’ liver there were similar changes, but they were more effective. Application of zinc tyrosinate led to a decrease in intensity of lipid peroxidation in plasma and in liver of animals with cadmium-cobalt intoxication, but complete reduction of the studied parameters to the level of intact rats did not happen. Conclusions. Damages by the salts of cadmium and cobalt results in increased activity of phospholipase A2 and intensification of lipid peroxidation in blood and liver of experimental animals. Use of metal complex of zinc tyrosinate with the corrective purpose leads to the decrease of lipid peroxidation in rats.
cadmium, cobalt, phospholipase A2, lipid peroxidation, zinc tyrosinate.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 129-133 pages, index UDK 612. 015. 1-02:615. 916’1:546. 48/. 73]-092. 9