Features of Cord in Normal
About the author:
Abdul- Ogly L. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the regulation of placental- fetal blood flow the pressure and volume of venous blood in the umbilical artery is dominated: while increasing venous pressure there is expansion of the capillary bed of the villi due to opening of new, previously slept capillaries and significantly increases the area of diffusion between mother and fetus. Progress in optimizing the development of the embryo and fetus defined study the structural characteristics of extraembryonic organs – chorion, amnion, yolk sac, embryo stem body with piercing in her allantois – future umbilical cord In the regulation of placental- fetal blood flow the pressure and volume of venous blood in the umbilical artery is dominated: while increasing venous pressure there is expansion of the capillary bed of the villi due to opening of new , previously slept capillaries and significantly increases the area of diffusion between mother and fetus . Since the umbilical cord is an integral part of the mother – placenta – fetus system, then the sources and mechanisms underlying the development of the placenta in early embryogenesis, have a common basis for the formation of the umbilical cord. Aim: to examine the evolution and formation of the umbilical cord in normal. Oject and method of researching: The study was conducted on human embryos, fetuses aged from 8 th – 19 th week of prenatal ontogenesis. Results and discussing. Our studies revealed that the basis for the formation of the umbilical cord are normal processes of epithelial – mesenchymal transformation. These processes are typical for the formation of the chorion or early placenta. Development and formation of the umbilical cord begins in the early stages of embryo develop- ment in sync with the growth of the placenta and is closely associated with the isolation of fetal body parts and extraembryonic amnion growth. The middle part of the trunk intestine as a result of active growth by the 5th week of embryonic development is bent anteriorly and formed umbilical loop that continuing anteriorly, forms the physi- ological hernia. Then allantois, remnants of the yolk bubble, umbilical vessels converge and form a cord , coated outside the amnion with epithelium and relating the embryo and fetus to the wall of the chorion, and then placenta. Since 13th week of development and throughout prenatal ontogenesis umbilical cord has the typical structure cord coated with a single layer of epithelium with stroma provided by vartons jelly. In its column are two arteries and vein. We have examined the structure of the umbilical vessels. In a convoluted umbilical artery muscular layer is represented by two layers, which provide some compensatory hemodynamic mechanism of blood flow. Internal – longitudinal muscle layer, propulsive movements involved in venous blood along the length of the cord and the outer – circular layer helps protect the arteries from external mechanical impact and compression , which falls down when the umbilical cord around the neck and while passage through the birth canal . Umbilical cord vein is a large vessel of muscle elastic type. Muscle bundles are arranged in the longitudinal direction. In our studies we have shown that the basic processes of development, formation of the umbilical cord and chorionic interrelated. Development and formation of the umbilical cord begins in the early stages of embryo de- velopment in sync with the growth of the placenta and is closely associated with the isolation of fetal body parts and extraembryonic amnion growth. The basis of the development of these organs and their structural components are the processes of epithelial – mesenchymal transitions. As a result of epithelial mesenchymal transformation transformative processes and differentiation extraembryonic mesoderm forms a loose gelatinous connective tis- sue, which is the connective tissue of the umbilical cord. These processes we considered normal.
embryogenesis, umbilical coiling.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 218-223 pages, index UDK 611. 12:611. 013. 8:572. 7