Morozova E. N.

Morphological Features of Small Intestine Peyer’s Patches of Intact Rats

About the author:

Morozova E. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Morphological studies of the immune system in animals, which is a major defense system of the body, indicated that the linear parameters of the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, depending on the age and have a high reactivity to exogenous and endogenous effects. Based on the current literature, the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine are secondary organs of the immune system, which represent one of the first lines of defense against the penetration of pathogens, so their normal morphology and function – is one of the conditions upon which a constant internal environment, as the small intestine, and the whole organism. On the basis of this study was to examine the purpose of the morphological features of the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine intact rats. The study was conducted on 24 white mongrel intact male rats of different age groups, which were divided into 4 groups (3-4, 5-6, 7-9 and 10-11 months post-embryonic development) of six animals each. After removal of animals from the experiment we measured the length of the small intestine, Peyer’s patches were counted, measured Peyer’s patches linear parameters (length, thickness and width, the distance between the patches and the exact same to the ileocecal angle to the first of them). Then, after making histological organ measured height and width of the lymph nodules internodular zones and germinal centers of Peyer’s patches. The obtained data were processed using the «Statistica 5. 5». In intact animals in the studied age periods found that Peyer’s patches were located mainly in the wall of the body at its free edge. First patches determined, typically in the distal duodenum, the last – in the ileocecal angle from the ileum. On the native preparation of rat small intestine Peyer’s patches were a cluster average of 5 to 15 lymph nodules. In rats, they were oval, round, rarely irregular shape. When studying the microstructure intact animals revealed that the small intestine parenchyma Peyer’s patches represented lymph nodules (not less than 5-7) with the centers or without breeding and diffuse lymphoid tissue, which located between them. Lymph nodules of the Peyer’s patches in the distal ileum located in the muscle splitting plate mucosa. The surface of the Peyer’s patches at the light level and smooth faces into the lumen. Adjacent to the Peyer’s patches areas of mucous membrane of the small intestine villi are covered, partially cover its surface. Lymph nodules occur in the lamina propria and submucosa, lying in a row. Germinal center of the lymph nodules in the composition of the patches in the majority of cases, with its base facing the wall of the muscle layer of the small intestine. The measurement results showed that the length of the small intestine, amount, length, thickness and width of the patches, the distance between the patches and the exact same to the ileocecal angle to the first of them, height and width of the lymph nodules, internodular zones and germinal centers of Peyer’s patches increase from the 5-6 to 10-11 month. The distance from the ileocecal angle to the first Peyer’s patches, height and width internodular zones of germinal centers reach their maximum values, mainly in animals aged 5-6 months, and the number and length of the Peyer’s patches, the distance between them, the width of the lymph nodules – for 7-9 months. This dynamic morphological indicators suggests the presence of age-related changes in the Peyer’s patches of the small intestine.


rat, Peyer’s patches, small intestine


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 265-268 pages, index UDK 612. 017. 1:616-092. 9