Morphometric Characteristics of Heart Chambers of Animals Different Genders
About the author:
Stakhurska I. O., Pryshlyak A. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
One of the actual problems of modern biology and medicine is the study of the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases and their treatment. The development of heart disease has clearly defined sexual aspect. To investigate the cardiovascular continuum from the pathomorphological position of the opposite sex species is important to examine sexual peculiarities of intact heart at all levels of its organization. In recent years, morphologists increasingly use morphometric methods that enable quantitatively and objectively evaluate different physiological and pathological processes and logically explain them. The purpose of this work was to examine morphometric and spatial parameters of unaffected heart chambers of opposite gender animals. The studying of the hearts of 34 white outbred sexually mature rats with the weight 185,0-200,0 g, which were divided by gender: group 1 have been consisted of 18 female rats, 2nd – had 16 male animals. Was detected that the weight of the male animals heart was significantly higher than the same indicator of females almost 4,59 %. The absolute weight of the right ventricle of female rats have been reached (279,8 ± 3,9) mg, and the opposite sex experimental animals – (295,2 ± 4,2) mg. The difference was 5. 22 %. The mass of the atria of experimental animals was significantly lower than the ventricles. The analyzed massmetrical parameters of the heart of experimental intact animal suggest that among the chambers of heart the left ventricle had the biggest mass. The mass of the right ventricle is less compared to the left. The atria had even lower massmetrical parameters. Thus, the lowest mass is the mass of the left atrium. The correlation between massmetrical parameters of the heart parts of animals treatment group (ventricular index) are almost identical. The constancy of relations between the massmetrical characteristics of heart parts of female and male rats showed the stability of organ structural homeostasis. The percents of the heart parts mass of animals treatment group did not differentiate too. Spatial characteristics of the heart chambers of animals experimental groups were also different. The space of endocardial surface of the left ventricle of male animals exceeded the same indicator of female rats almost on 5,84 %. The space of endocardial surface of the right ventricle of 2-nd group studied animals exceeded the same indicator of the 1-st group of rats on 5,1 %. Despite the various massmetrical and planimetric features of heart chambers of different genders animals, the ratio between them were stable, that was confirmed by the constancy of relative massmetrical and planimetric variables (indexes). Immutability and constancy of relative values indicative of a complete work of cardiac muscle, that provided reliable hemodynamic is carried out and ensured stability of organ structural homeostasis. Valuable informative diagnostic and prognostic criterion in determining the volume settings are reserve ventricular volumes. The results of volumetric measurements showed that these characteristics of male rats’ heart ventricles predominated over those in females. Examined volumes of the left and right ventricles of both groups of animals were different too. Thus, volume parameters of the right ventricle were significantly higher in comparison with the left. In view of obtained data, appropriate is the heart studying at all levels of its structural organization of different genders animals in normal and pathological conditions for understanding processes of developing the hardest cardiovascular diseases.
morphometry, heart, different genders.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 269-272 pages, index UDK 611. 12-071. 3-055]-092. 9