Chelpanova I. V.

Microstructural Peculiarities of the Medial Nerve Tissues of White Rats in Normal

About the author:

Chelpanova I. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction and aim. To begin with I would like to say, that our scientific research reveals the mor- phological peculiarities of the structural components in the the medial nerve at normal conditions. The neurovas- cular factor is based upon the violation of innervations and vascularization of peripheral nerves,that underlying the pathogenesis of neuropathy. Due to widespread of this pathology, a variety of complications, severity of symptoms and difficulties with treatment selection required a deep and comprehensive study of the issues that relate to micro- scopical changes of peripheral nerve structures. Nowadays, the study of microscopic structure of peripheral nerve components is a topical task, because it is necessary in the study of various pathological processes experimentally simulated. In the future it is planned the more detailed study of the structural organization of peripheral nerves using the methods of immuno-and lektynohistochemystry. object and methods of investigation. Investigations were conducted on 10 Wistar line male rats, with mass 100g. All animals were kept in a vivarium conditions and work with them replied “The main rules of working with experimental animals”. Gathering the material for microstructural studies were performed in rats after euthanasia by decapitation after an overdose of ether anesthesia. Medial nerve tissue were taken surgically and fixated in 10 % formalin, compacted and embedded in paraffin. The sections 5-7 um thick subtle stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Microscopic examination and photographing of slides were carried out using a microscope MBY -1 and Nicon D3100 digital camera with zoom: ok. h 7 ob. h 20. solution. results. The medial nerve is composed of bundles of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue and surrounded by a sheath of dense connective tissue, known as epineurium, which contains blood and lymphatics vessels of the nerve. Within the epineurium. the nerve fibres arranged into bundles or fascicles. Each fascicle is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called perineurium. This sheath is formed by many concentric layers of flattened fibroblasts-like cells; each layer is one cell thick. The cells of each layer (or sleeve) of the perineurium are joined at their edges by tight junctions so that each sleeve is a complete cylinder around the nerve fascicle. The perineurium provides a barrier to passage of materials, especially macromolecules, into or out of the fascicle. Within a fascicle, each nerve fiber is surrounded by a thin layer of connective tissue, known as endoneurium, which is composed of delicate collagenous and reticular fibers and flattened fibroblasts. conclusion. We found out, that in epineurium and perineurium of the medial nerve is a well developed system of microcirculation represented by arterioles,capillaries and venules. Vascularisation of endoneural shell is developed much weaker in comparison with the epineurium and perineurium blood supply. It can be argued that such relation of vascular-stromal elements and some separate nerve fibers indicates the presence in the nerve such barrier as “nerve-blood“. Violation of this barrier in the pathology causes damage in some separate fibers and violates impuls conduction.


nervus medianus, rat, normal conditions.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 273-276 pages, index UDK 611. 833. 5:611. 16]-0. 18-0. 19