Clinical and Laboratory Evaluation of Prevention and Treatment Efficiency of Major Dental Diseases in Woman of Transcarpathia Agricultural Regions
About the author:
Balega M., Denga Е.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Relevance. Pesticides are biological and ecological risk factors for health of the rural population in general and in particular stomatologic. They disrupt the enzymatic activity in an organism, cell metabolism, have a general toxic, mutagenic and cumulative properties. The range of their adverse toxicogenic effects is ample. Many adverse biological effects occur both directly and remote terms. Conduction of effective therapeutic and preventive measures is especially important among women of middle age in rural areas constituting the main contingent of employed there and having a reduced estrogenic saturation of the body which can reduced by pesticides long before the premenopausal period. It should be noted that pesticides may cause early reduce estrogenic saturation in women, well before premenopausal period, which leads to an earlier disturbance of bone metabolism, dentin and amelogenesis, periodontal tissue inflammation. The aim of this study was clinical and laboratory estimation of therapeutic and preventive complex efficiency during treatment of major dental diseases in women of agricultural regions with low estrogen saturation. Materials and Methods. The study involved 45 women 35-45 years old, mostly with osteopenia related occupa- tional work with pesticides (control group – 20 pers. and basic group – 25 pers.). Patient group of comparison re- ceived only standard therapy (sanation of oral cavity and professional hygiene), the basic – received supplementaly therapeutic complex, which included adaptogenic, antioxidant, drugs regulating microbiocenosis, compensating reduced estrogenic saturation. Evaluated nonspecific resistance: stability oral liquid pH (pH) as an indicator of the nonspecific resistance level of in the body and oral cavity in particular; gingival hyperemia under the influence of regulated chewing load and barrier of mucosal permeability of gingival mucous under dye solution Schiller-Pisarev (S-P), the charge state of buccal epithelial cells (BEC). Results. Conclusions. Conducted researches have allowed to develop complex of prevention and treatment of major dental diseases with hypoestrogenism on the background of increased pesticide load, allowing normal- ize functional reactions providing gomeorezis in oral cavity (oral liquid pH oscillation in individual samples reduced by half), the charge state of BEC and cellular metabolism (increased 36 % amount of electrophoretically movable nuclei, amplitude ratio of movable nuclei and plasmol approached the statistical norm) functional state of gums microcapillary bed and blood flow in it (capillary spasms has disappeared under the influence of regulated masti- catory load and appeared normal giperimiya accompanied by increased blood flow in the capillaries), reduce the permeability of gums mucosal barrier under dye solution S-P (25 %), and therefore, for different microorganisms. In the future it is necessary to carry out the molecular genetic evaluation on BEC violations of fundamental markers amelogenesis, the first and second phases of cellular detoxification for this contingent of predisposition to major stomatological diseases to optimize preventive measures.
dental status, women, pesticides, gipoestrogeniya, therapeutic and preventive complex.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 327-330 pages, index UDK 616-084 ± 616-002. 4:616-053. 6