Moskalenko A., Kamina T.

Microbial Contamination Surface Restorations as a Probable Risk Factor for Major Dental Diseases

About the author:

Moskalenko A., Kamina T.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Purpose: to study the composition of microbial plaque from the surface of the fluorine-containing fillings and fluorine-containing composite filling material. Materials and Methods. The study of microbial composition of plaque on the surface of the photocurable composite fillings, eliminating defects in class II according to Black in permanent teeth. The first group of seals composite materials (CM) with sodium fluoride (SF) (Stomazit LC (JSC “Stoma”) and Charisma (Heraeus Kulzer)) were compared with those of CM seals without FN (Latelux (Stoma-technology) and «XRV Herculite» (Kerr)). Sampling time of the microbial flora of dental plaque (the next day after filling and one month after filling) coincides with a period of stabilization seals. Used for microbiological examination plaque from the surface of the filling. The patient did not do cleaning of the teeth. The material was taken with sterilized excavator, in presence of saliva isolation. The material was plated onto nutrient media. In the presence of microbial growth and accumulation carried identification with the help of micro-La Teste (PLIVA – Lachema, Czech Republic). Counting was performed in colony forming units (CFU) and the method of serial dilutions in liquid media. The study used the restored molars with the same diagnosis and the same arrangement of cavities. results. As a result of bacteriological tests in vivo plaque material taken through one day and one month after the 28 restorations of 14 patients allocated 160 strains of microorganisms, including 55. 8 % of obligate anaerobic and 44. 2 % of aerobic and facultative anaerobic. For each patient, the association allocated different types of bacteria (an average of three – four species). The plaque that accumulates on the filling, contains microorganisms, whose activity may contribute to the development of secondary caries at the border of enamel and filling and the filling itself biodegradation. Along with this, when setting fillings in cavities II-V classes on Blake increase plaque formation leads to inflammation of the gingival margin – gingivitis and can be one of the risk factors for periodontal disease. Found that total bacterial contamination of dental plaque material was greater when using CM without SF. This difference is more obvious within one month after the restoration. Summarizing the microbiological research unit may be noted that CM had weak inhibitory effects on the growth of microorganisms, but did not promote the adhesion of microorganisms to the surface of the filling material. In this case a more pronounced suppression of adhesion of microorganisms to the surface fillings we observed in the CM with SF. On the surface of the fluorine-containing composite filling plaque microflora composition is stable, while on the fillings without fluoride, a change in the level of contamination of the seal, the accumulation of pathogenic bacteria. Identified quality allow us to consider CM with SF, as the most promising filling materials with a certain resistance to colonization by virulent types of oral bacteria. When this happens disbiosis habitat plaque, but decreases the risk of recurrent caries and gingivitis, which can be regarded as a positive result. conclusions. High level of microbial contamination of surface composite restorations can be considered as a probable factor in the development of major dental diseases.


microbial contamination, composite filling, dental diseases


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 331-336 pages, index UDK 616. 31–02:616. 314:579