Optimization of Multifactorial Pathology Development Prevention and Family Lifestyle Improving by Teenagers Pedigree Analisis
About the author:
Vasylieva O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article presents the study of pedigrees analysis of high school students to determine the risk of common multifactorial diseases in the future and the development of methods to prevent them. Clinical and genealogical analysis of 67 probands of schoolchildren from the 9-th to the 11-th grades, Kharkiv secondary school № 19, was made. The pupils were divided into two groups: the first group comprised 26 children with evident pathology as to the results of their periodical health examination (G1), the second group – 41 children who were comparatively healthy during that period (G2). Age of pupils ranged from 13 to 16 years, the average age of the probands was 14. 6 years. When analyzing the pedigree of both groups there was revealed dominance of cardiovascular pathologies (ischemic heart disease, hypertension, myocardial infarction, and varicose veins), nervous and sensory systems (stroke, vegetovascular dystonia, encephalopathy, myopia, and cataract) and digestive tract (chronic gastritis, bile- stone disease, tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.). Further on, in the given pedigree structure G1 musculoskeletal pathologies were detected (arthritis, scoliosis, flat-footedness, lameness) in 30. 7 % of cases; in pedigree structure G2 – endocrine pathologies (thyroid disease, diabetes, obesity) in 29. 7 % of cases. It is quite clear that the dominance of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive disease in the pedigrees of high school students is in keeping with the structure of morbidity in Ukraine. And if in the G1 this genetic predisposition has managed to express themselves out loud (5 cases of vegetovascular dystonia and myopia, 4 cases of chronic gastroduodenitis, 3 cases of mitral valve prolapse with varying degrees of heart failure), but the group of relatively healthy schoolchildren (G2) should be expected to prevent the emergence of the same diseases. The analysis of pedigrees high school students to determine the risk of common multifactorial diseases in the future and the development of methods to prevent them were realized. According to the results of the study individual resource packs of information were developed for senior schoolchildren to preserve health of family members, a constituent component of which were the recommendations as to the revealed multifactorial diseases in a pedigree. Therefore, it is evident that the introduction of the multifactorial diseases analysis in pedigrees of high school students within biology teaching. Because during the study of Mendel’s laws they are not fully aware that we are talking about inheritance in their families not only of individual sign, but also specific diseases.
pedigree, multifactorial disease, prevention.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 (106), 2014 year, 357-360 pages, index UDK 613. 955:616 – 056. 76 – 084