About the author:
Avetikov D. S., Gutnyk A. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
During all history of humanity people began to think of that, how to define and measure beauty, and consequently, how to do possible her recreation. Individual looks to aesthetics are unique and correlated with the features of personality and public tendencies. New data usually appear at the association of a few disciplines. An evident example are an origin and develop-ment of studies about resistance of biological materials, that appeared at the association of вiomedical sciences and one of divisions of modern physics, new direction got the corresponding name: studies about mechanical properties of living substance at all levels of her structural organization – from subcellular to organ and integral organism. A derma has a capacity for deformation, and owns nonlinear properties here. Rheological of property of skin bind to the structure of fibred components (collagen and elastic fibres) and amorphous matrice. Spatial organiza-tion of fibred structures determines the reaction of skin at deformations. Thus an amorphous substance carries out minimum influence, the role of elastic fibres shows up at insignificant tension, and collagen fibres determine deformation of tissues in an interval that submits to the law of Guk and mod-ule cabin Boy. For a derma the described conformity to law shows up various indexes in relation to lengthening of borders of durability depending on the investigated area and direction of deformation. In an absolute value tension that squeezes twice exceeds tension of stretching. Obviously, that this fact must be taken into account at implementation of different surgical interferences, in particular, facelift. The first mentions about a skin from the point of view of her mechanical properties were done Dupuitran in 1831 during investigation of suicide in Paris. He conducted an experiment on a troupe and proved that the wounds on a skin, done by a cone-shaped object, became look like lines and their orientation in different parts of body of man differ. The first article sanctified to anatomic generalization of lines of dissecting on a skin was written with a professor by Carl Langer in 1861. There were found out the lines of pull of skin (lines of Langer) them, and it is set that on the body of man skin the initial value of certain. Taking into account the features of realization of facelift by us the put aim in relation to working out in detail of features of structure of soft tissues of face. An external cover that carries out defense of face and copulas of him with an environment is a skin. After the structure a skin is a difficult organ that executes various vitally important functions. The first feature of skin is vari-able of her thickness in the different areas of person. It is well-proven that for women as a result of relative evenness of relief of facial skeleton the thickness of soft covers has plavnis transitions, and for men – more contrasting. For people with different anthropometric, age-old and gender signs this thickness varies in wide limits. The second feature to the skin of face is that in her there is plenty of blood vessels, greasy and sweat glands, nervous completions. Due to them and in a skin there are active the oxidation-reduction processes that promote protective and to other functions of this organ an active enzymosis, vitamins and hormones.
skin, facelift, biomechanics, flowage
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 029-032 pages, index UDK 616. 742-089