About the author:
Avetіkov D. S., Steblovskyy D. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Reconstructive surgery – is an attempt to return to normal (after injury or illness, as well as natural to human life changes). Many cosmetic and pathological changes of skin condition can be described with the aid of mechanical prop-erties. Diagnosis, treatment and the subsequent determination of various skin disorders often require detailed in-formation about changes in its structure and functions. Therefore, these changes usually affect the mechanical properties of tissues Skin and can be very informative. Today finally proven experimentally that the skin is highly non-linear viscoelastic material. Viscoelastic means that the skin represents a combination of elastic and viscous properties. Because of its viscous, mechanical prop-erties depend on the time and history of mechanical skin. The skin is not homogeneous and not isotropic – a com-posite material consisting of discrete parts, which has the area of distribution. Also, the voltage to which the skin is prone enough, this means that the conventional theory of elasticity (based on the assumption of small deforma-tions) in many cases, cannot be used. Incision, detachment and mobilization of skin and fat grafts during lower Rhytidectomy and cosmetic Otoplasty conducted mostly in the mastoid region, their evolution is as follows. The incision in the mastoid area may have a different length and direction is determined by the projected displacement vector and lateral tissues of the neck. In 2002, D. Marclac proposed a vertical incision in the crease and the outside of the back area, which he called a U-shaped incision. The prototype of this proposal was cut, described in 1933 by the French surgeon P. Claoue. Much later, in 1999, W. Little worked out a deal to access as inverted letters «». Regardless of the design , the tip formed flap must not be below the level of the front legs contra curl , and the angle between the occipital and behind – cut components make up less than 60°, in order to avoid ischemia and necrosis peeled off the top skin- fat flap. Many surgeons under “short scar lifting” refers to the specific transaction SMAS-ektomy (involving subcutane-ous muscle-aponevrotic system). The author does not claim to absolute innovation of their proposals, indicating that the first surgeon who made a «mini- facelift» in 1919, was R. Passot. Despite the diversity of the proposed techniques for plastic surgery, there are several key points that unite or conversely they are divided into groups: on the location and length of skin incisions, the area detachment skin-fat flaps on the displacement vector skin-fat flaps, according to the methods of fixing flaps.
skin, biomechanics, otoplasty, rhytidectomy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 040-043 pages, index UDK 616. 742-089