About the author:
Gasimova Z. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In recent years the retention of teeth demands the increasing attention that it is possible to explain not only a tendency to their increase, but also the complications interfaced to orthodontic and surgical interventions. Retention of painters is combined with violations of integrity of a tooth alignment, chewing function, difficulty of hygiene of an oral cavity and on this basis emergence of periodontal problems. Many authors consider that reduction of length of a tooth arch and deficiency of a space, also offer various options of treatment. Also causal retention of molars fibroma or genetic predisposition. In the course of treatment there are the certain difficulties caused with localization and difficulty of quick access. Because data on a retention of the first molars practically are absent, and impacted third molars, meet often, but they are generally extracted, the greatest interest for the practical doctor – orthodontist is represented by a retention of the second molars. Object and research methods: Experience of 25 year practice allowed to analyse a big data – 7172 patients. Retention of molars is revealed at 899 (12,53±0,39%), including on the maxilla at 459 (6,40±0,29%), on mandible at 545 (7,60±0,31%). At 105 patients (1,46±0,14%) the retention of molars on both jaws, at 354 (4,94±0,26%) only on the maxilla, and at 440 (6,13±0,28%) only on the mandible was noted. At the same 899 patients it is in total revealed 1405 (0,196±0,005%) the impacted teeth, from them on the maxilla (0,087±0,003%), on the mandible (0,109±0,004%). As for a retention of the first molars, they were noted out only in 2 cases, at the girl at the age of 9 years and at the patient aged 55 years with a multiple retention of teeth. At 2 patients the retention of the second and third molars on the maxilla and mandible, was combined with a halvretention the ankilosed of the first top molars. Results of researches. 270 patients (3,76% ± 0,22), with impacted third molars, on maxilla – 48 (0,67% ± 0,10) are revealed, on mandible 244 (3,40% ± 0,21), thus at 22 patients (0,31±0,07%) the retention of the third molars on both jaws, at 26 (0,036±0,07%) only on the maxilla, and at 222 (3,10±0,20%) only on the bottom jaw was noted. Also on the basis of complex inspection, we revealed 28 patients with a retention of the second painters (0,39±0,07%), on the maxilla at 8 patients (0,11±0,04%), on mandible at 22 patients (0,31±0,07%). It should be noted that only at 2 patients (0,03±0,02%) the retention of the second molarss on both jaws, at 6 patients (0,00±0,03%) on the maxilla, and at 20 patients (0,28±0,06%) on the mandible was noted. Conclusions. Experience of supervision confirms about need of early diagnostics and early orthodontic treatment. Perspective of further researches – the joint integrated orthodontic and surgical approach to the solution of a question on impacted wisdom teeth extraction proves importance of cooperation of the corresponding experts – orthodontists and surgeons for carrying out optimum treatment of patients and receiving satisfactory esthetic results.
molars, prevalence, impacted
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 087-092 pages, index UDK 616.31; 617.52-089