About the author:
Gladka О. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Oral liquid (OL) takes part in regulation of homeostasis of the oral cavity and maintaining the physi-ological balance of processes of mineralization and demineralization of tooth. Important in this respect are the factors of saliva, its rate of formation, viscosity, content of mineral components, pH, buffer properties, the major metabolites, organic composition and antibacterial properties. Is known that the processes of mineralization of teeth and biophysical parameters can be influenced by OL min-eral components. Therefore, we have been selected macroelement magnesium, which is involved in energy, plastic, electrolyte and mineral metabolism, namely, participates in the metabolism of phosphorus, ATP synthesis, and regulation of glycolysis, building bone and serves as a cofactor for more than three hundred enzymes that regulate various body functions. The purpose of our study was to investigate the influence of magnesium complex to biophysical indicators of OL in patients with low cariesresistance. We examined 53 patients at aged 19-25 years without accompanying pathology, who were divided into two groups. The main group (MG) consisted of 30 patients with high levels of caries intensity (LCI) – 0,36±0,01. The control group (CG) consisted of 23 patients with low LCI – 0,02±0,005. LCI calculated by P. A. Leus (1990). Patients of MG was administered for 1 month magnesium complex – application of 5% solution of magnesium sulfate, which was carried out at night, and mineral balm Poltava’s bishofite – «Elixir for oral cavity» by double daily (morning and evening) rubbing 1-2 drops of the elixir to hard tooth tissues with a toothbrush for 3-5 minutes. By means of clinical – laboratory studies had been studied the rate of unstimulated saliva (ml/min), viscosity, pH, test of microkrystallisation and mineral potential of saliva (MPS). Based on the clinical – laboratory study we demonstrated that patients with low caries resistance level have reduced performance speed of unstimulated saliva, viscosity, pH, MPS compared with patients with high level of cariesresistance. In the second study of OL, immediately after completion of caries prevention treatment in MG patients unstimu-lated saliva flow rate increased from 0,44±0,01 to 0,69±0,01 ml / min, also raises the pH of 6,45±0,04 to 7,2±0,02, lowers viscosity of saliva 2,54±0,06, and increased levels of MPS – 3,85±0,21 points, increases the level of I and I / II types MCS 23,34% and 43,33% respectively. The OL study in MG after 3 months – saliva rate was significantly (p<0,05) higher – 0,63±0,01 ml / min. Slightly increased the viscosity of OL – 2,86±0, 06, but it was significantly lower than the results that have been obtained before caries prevention and ranged performance of CG. The level of pH after 3 months was 6,99±0,03 and ap-proached to the level of CG – 7,02±0,07. Also, the level of MPS approached to CG (3,94±0,24 points) and was – 3,8±0,2 points by increasing the per-centage composition of I and I / II types MCS at 16,67% and 46,67%, respectively, and a decrease in type II at 13. 34% and the absence of type III MCS. These data indicate the approximation mineral properties of OL to the physi-ological norm. So, prevention of dental caries in young patients with low resistance of caries by using of 5% solution of magne-sium sulfate and mineral balm from bishofit – «Elixir for oral cavity», led to normalization of biophysical indicators of oral liquid and stable long-term results that was observed even after 3 months of its completion.
oral liquid, viscosity, saliva crystallization
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 100-103 pages, index UDK 616. 314–002–084–085. 31:546. 46