About the author:
Golubkov P. E.
Type of article:
Scentific article
As it is established skeleton is active dynamic system that efficiently reacts at all levels of organization on changes of internal and external environment. Implantation of different materials based on hydroxyl apatite is often used in modern osteoplastic surgery. In connection with beneficial influence of copper on cytochrome-c-oxidase system and participation of copper in collagen 3-d structure forming impregnation of implanting material by copper in different concentrations is of interest. The aim of current investigation was to study influence of implantation of biogenic hydroxyl apatite impregnated by copper in different concentrations on formation of dentin of incisor of rats. The histological structure of dentin of mandible incisor was investigated in experiment on 252 white male rats after formation of perforated defect on the margin of proximal metaphysis and diaphysis of tibial bone and implantation of biogenic hydroxyl apatite impregnated by copper in different concentrations. For histological examination were made sections of left half of mandible in frontal plane at third molar from one side and condylar process from the other. Then after fixation, decalcification were made sections and coloring by hematoxylin – eosin. Histological examination was made using microscope, digital camera, computer software “Morpholog”, Microsoft Office Excel. Statistical evaluation of significance of differs was made using Students criteria. Histological examination of incisors of mandible of intact rats showed rather high functional activity of odontoblasts. Histological examination of incisors of mandible of rats after formation of perforated defect of tibia showed statistically significant lower meanings of width of the layer of odontoblasts at day 7, 30, 60, 90 and 180, predentin layer from day 7 to day 90, dentin layer at day 30 and 90, summary of predentin and dentin layer at day 30, 60 and 90, mesio-distal size of incisor at day 3°Comparing with intact rats. The histological examination of mandible of rats after formation of perforated defect of tibia and implantation of biogenic hydroxyl apatite without admixes showed statistically lower meanings of width of layer of odontoblasts at day 15, 30 and 90 and higher meaning at day 180, lower meaning of mesio-distal size of incisor at day 9°Comparing to group with formed perforated defect of tibia. But in these conditions the implantation of biogenic hydroxyl apatite does not lead to normalization of formation of dentin comparing to intact rats. It was established that impregnation of implant by copper in concentration 0. 10% leads to slight intensification of formation of dentin on day 90 of experiment. Impregnation of implant by copper in concentration 0. 25% stimulates formation of dentin predentin from day 30 to day 90 and strengthens its mineralization by day 90 of experiment. Impregnation of implant by copper in concentration 0. 50% leads to reduce of formation of dentin even more than after formation of perforating defect of tibial bone and after implantation of biogenic hydroxyl apatite without admixtures. Correction of changes of dentin formation induced by impregnation of the implant by copper in concentrations of 0. 10%, 0. 25% and 0. 50% doesn’t lead to recovery of processes of the formation of dentin comparing to intact rats in conditions of experiment.
rats, dentin formation, fracture syndrome, copper
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 115-118 pages, index UDK 611. 71:616. 71-089. 843