About the author:
Dakhno L. O., Krynytskyi R. P., Pavliv K. I., Masna Z. Z., Masna-Chala O. Z.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Premature teeth loss, which is caused by different factors (complication after caries, parodontal dis-eases, different traumas) is not only stomatological but also general medicine problem. Teeth deficiency can cause breaking of the work of the digestive system, development of the face deformations and breaking of the work of respiratory system, it can also provoke changes in patients state of mind. All of these factors give to this problem social sense. Mandibular-facial system rehabilitation planning in case of partial or full adentia with the presence, as a rule, bone tissue deficiency is one of the most responsible and complicated tasks of the modern dentistry. In this case it is necessary to provide restoration of functional ability of the mandibular-facial system and esthetic look of facial region. Resolving this task is possible by restoration of the teeth row entirety and functional ability of the facial-mandib-ular region by means of usage of complex biomechanical constructions, which would not only restore the function of the lost teeth but also let to preserve healthy teeth. Creation of such constructions foresees excellent and deep study of the structure, morphometrical and topographical peculiarities of the mandibular-facial components in case of its physiological norm and full function ability. This research is the part of a complex scientific work“Structure of organs and their circulation with circulatory disorders, after reconstructive surgery and diabetes in ontogenesis under the influence of the laser irradiation and pharmacological means“which is carried out on the departments of the normal anatomy and topographical anato-my of Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University №0110U001854 of the state registration. Aim of the work: to study morphometrical indexes of the alveolar processes of the jaws and roots of permanent teeth and peculiarities of their correlation in persons of mature age with preserved teeth row. Determination of morphometrical characteristics of the alveolar process of the upper jaw and alveolar part of the lower jaw and roots of permanent teeth was hold on computer tomograms of the persons of mature age in the den-tal clinics of Lviv and Kiev. Also root length of permanent teeth was measured on extracted teeth (postextractional material from dental clinics of Lviv). During our investigation 12°Computer tomograms were studied and root length of 160 teeth were measured. 6°Computer tomograms belonged to men and other 60 – to women. Also each group was divided into two equal age groups: I – first period of mature age (21-35 years old male/female), II – second period of mature age (36-55 years old for women and 36-60 – for men) Processing of the computer tomograms, which were done in frontal and sagittal planes, was carried out with the help of the graphic dental computer program SIMPlant (MaterialiseSoftware, Belgium). Length of the roots of the permanent teeth (central incisors and second molars) and height of the alveolar pro-cess of the upper jaw and alveolar part of the lower jaw were measured on the level of incisors (1-2) and molars (6-7). Results of the investigation testify that length of the permanent teeth roots stays without changes during both periods of mature age; height of alveolar process of the upper jaw and alveolar part of the lower jaw with preserved teeth rows does not have sufficient age dynamics. A slight downward tendency in the area of molars was detected mainly in women of the second age period; difference between the height of alveolar process and length of the teeth roots in male and female was 0,5-3 mm in all investigated periods.
alveolar process, alveolar part of the jaws, roots of permanent teeth, morphometry
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 136-139 pages, index UDK 611. 716. 1/. 4:611. 314:616-053. 8