About the author:
Ilenko N. V., Petrushanko T. A., Ilenko N. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The characteristics of the HIV/AIDS epidemic situation in Ukraine is changing today. But it only leads to the growth of its relevance. Gingival (crevicular) liquidrepresents an important physiological component of the normal oral cavity functioning as multifunctional system. It is an important part of the protective mechanism of the periodontal tissues. The aim of our study was to assess the risk of development and rate of progression of inflammatory and inflammatory-dystrophic changes in periodontal tissues in HIV-infected patients by determining the factor of microflora stability (FS) of the gingival liquid. We examined 94 HIV-patients aged 23-49. It made our research group (I). The control group (II) included 35 people without HIV status age 21-45 years. After generally accepted subjective and objective examination of the patients, the risk of inflammatory diseases of periodontal tissues by determining the factor of microflora stability of the gingival liquid was estimated. This parameter represents the ratio of the sum of Gram-positive cocci and gram-positive rhabdoid microorganisms in percentage to the sum of Gram-negative rhabdoid and winding microorganisms in percentage. FS<2 (offset to the left) and FS >4 (offset to the right) indicates the risk of inflammatory diseases in periodontal tissues. Analyzing the results have revealed that in the research group, the FS was changed in 64 HIV-infected patients (68,09%). In most cases, we determined the offset FS to the left in gingival liquid. It indicated a growth of the number of Gram-negative microflora. In the control group the FS was changed in 20 people (57,14%) in gingival liquid. The offset FS to the left and to the right was determined in the same number of surveyed persons. On average the group of HIV-infected patientshad significantly lower FS then the same indicator in the control group. A tendency to the offset FS to the left indicates the growth of the number of Grams-negative microorganisms in gingival liquid of the HIV patients. We have analyzed the FS of microflora of the gingival liquid in HIV-infected patients depending on the severity of periodontal disaeses. It was identified a stable tendency to the offset FS to the left with the progression of peri-odontal diseases. The analysis of the obtained results of the FS in control group according to the stage of the HIV-infection showed a similar tendency to the offset FS to the left with the progression of immunodeficiency. We analyzed the FS of the HIV-infected patients depending on the level of cluster of differentiation CD4 expression on the plasmolemm of blood lymphocytes. It was found a significant decrease in the values of reducing the number of CD4 cell below of critical level. This confirms the discoverd tendency to the offset FS to the left with the progression of immunodeficiency. So, all changes of the factor of microflora stability of the gingival liquid of HIV-patients indicate to the increase of the number of Grams-negative microorganisms. Proceeding from the fact that the vast majority of microor-ganisms which can lead to periodontal diseases is Gram-negative, we can say that the growth of Gram-negative microorganisms in the gingival liquid in HIV-infected patients is a factor that indicates the progression of periodontal destruction. The studing of the specific features of microbial composition of gingival liquid in HIV-infected patients is an im-portant and promising area of research.
HIV-infection, gum liquid, microflora, periodontal diseases
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 155-159 pages, index UDK 616. 31 – 008. 8 : 616. 98 : 578. 828