Isakov S. V., Isakova T . I.


About the author:

Isakov S. V., Isakova T . I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Introduction. Full cleaning, shaping and sterilization of root canals is often a very difficult task in the execution plan. Origin and localization of the microflora, associated with closed centers, often remains a mystery and still stays one of the most contentious issues in the scientific community. During mechanical treatment of the root canals, formed smear layer containing a high amount of organic components in the form of pulp fragments, odontoblasts, poorly mineralized predentin. At the same time, there are inorganic compounds, the source of witch is dentin. Smear layer of root canal tightly connected to the wall of the canal through the “smear plug” sinking in the dentinal tubules. Aim. Improving the efficiency of endodontical treatment of chronic periodontitis by minimizing the concentration of microorganisms and their toxins in the root canal system, and selection of the most appropriate technology of mechanical root canal treatment, while not thinning and weakening this canal. Materials and methods. We investigated 78 patients in age from 18 to 58 years, (42 woman and 36 men) with chronic periodontitis with different clinical forms. Patients with periodontal pathology were not among the surveyed. In diagnosis of all patients we used one dentistry prescribed uniform scheme, and CT scan. First group consist of – 42 patients 60 teeth, second – 36 patients 58 teeth. In thirst group easily accessible canals (bend angle till 25 degrees) was fouded at 24 patients 33 teeth, hard accessible (26-50 degrees) fouded at 21 teeth 12 patients, and not available canals (bend angle more than 50 degrees) – at 6 teeth 6 patients. In second group: Аt 29 teeth 20 patients have easy accessible, 11 patients 24 teeth – hard accessible, and 5 patients 5 teeth have unavailable canals. In first group mechanical treatment of all canals was made by traditional method (manual files), manufactured according to international standards ISO 3630. In second group the mechanical treatment of root canals performed by our method, namely the system of root canals treated with latest histological studies, with witch found untouched area infected dentin and necrotic tissue Mtwo files, with using of endomotor with tapering in accordance with the anatomical and topographical features. Results and discussion. First monitoring group after 1month: constant pain syndrome symptoms – 7,2%, edema, hyperemia of the gingival margin the projection of the root filled teeth – 8,0%, mobility – 6,4%, presence of scar or fistulous – 4,8%. Observations at six month: constant pain syndrome symptoms – 6,4%, edema, hyperemia of the gingival mar-gin the projection of the root filled teeth – 7,2%, mobility – 5,6%, presence of scar or fistulous – 4,0%. Observa-tions at twelve month: constant pain syndrome symptoms – 4,8%, edema, hyperemia of the gingival margin the projection of the root filled teeth – 5,6%, mobility – 4,0%, presence of scar or fistulous – 3,2%. At second group after month: – 4,0%, 4,8%, 3,2%, 2,4%. After six month: 3,2%, 4,0%, 2,4%, 4,6%. After twelve month: 2,4%, 3,2% , 1,6%, 0,8%. Conclusions. Thus, the manifestation of complications after endodontic treatment, taking into account our in-vestigations, including clinic and ex-Ray findings, directly correlate with successful mechanical treatment of root canal system, knowledge of anatomical and topographical features of canals and obligatory creating of appropriate taper.


Chronical periodontitis, modern method, infected dentin, smear layer, latest histological studies


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 160-163 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 17-008. 1-036. 12-06:616. 31-036. 17-085