About the author:
Kozak R. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Author examined the treatment quality of horizontal pathological dental abrasion and compared an occlusion height in patients before and after treatment with photopolymers and ceramic tabs. For achieving assigned tasks, there were examined 52 patients from control and experimental groups aged 25 – 45 years having defects of coronal tooth portion with a pathological abrasion, for whom were made non-removable upper and lower dentures. Patients from Group 1 (control) with intact tooth rows were parties to additional studies. Dentsply composite EsthetX (Germany) and Duceram ceramic produced by Dentsply/Ceramco (Germany) were used in the study. Jen-DuaCem cement (USA) was carried for the fixation of fixed restorations. For more precise determining the reduction of occlusion height, we proposed our own measurement technique, whereby radiopaque markers were made of filling material within the limits of dental pit of first permanent lower and upper molars to determine the magnitude of dental abrasion. In the panoramic image performed in the position of central occlusion, the distance between lower mark limit on the mandible and the upper mark limit on the maxilla was measured right after tab fixing or dental restoration with photopolymer and in 1 year. The difference between these parameters was the magnitude of abrasion. There was measured also a distance between dental pit and top of the medial and distal buccal humps right after tab fixing or dental restoration with photopolymer, and in 3 months to determine which of antagonists will be more erased. It was found that in examination day a distance between dental pit and buccal humps of 16th, 26th, 36th, and 46th teeth in patients of first (control) group was within 5. 05±0. 15 mm – 4. 95±0. 16 mm, in patients of second group it was from 6. 07±0. 22 mm and 5. 93±0. 25 mm to 3. 14±0. 21 mm and 2. 86±0. 21 mm; and it was significant that in patients of third experimental group, a distance in 16th and 26th teeth almost didn’t differ and was within 5. 5±0. 23 – 5. 06±0. 28 mm. This distance in 36th and 46th teeth was significantly less: 2. 35±0. 12 mm and 2. 41±0. 12 mm respectively. Odontometric measurements of distance between dental pits of 16/46 upper molars and 26/36 lower molars showed that in examination day this distance in patients of control group was 5. 9±0. 17 mm and 5. 81±0. 16 mm respectively. The distance between dental pits of molars in second experimental group was 6. 86±0. 21 mm and 6. 79±0. 19 mm respectively, while in the third group, it was 5. 94±0. 23 mm and 5. 88±0. 27 mm. The distance between dental pits of 16/46 and 26/36 teeth decreases after 1 year of tooth row restored by photopolymers, and amounts 6. 94 ± 0. 29 mm; 6. 82 ± 0. 28 mm respectively. Thus, the author’s conclusion on the study results is that proposed technique allows measuring most accurately the magnitude of occlusion height in patients with chewing surface of teeth restored with tabs and photopolymers; and it was found also that renewal of group of molars by photopolymers should be avoided, using ceramic tabs instead. We have established that for the purpose of a prosthetic makeup at a horizontal pathological dental abrasion, a renewal of group of molars by photopolymers should be avoided, using ceramic tabs instead.
horizontal pathological dental abrasion, occlusion height, photopolymers, ceramics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 174-176 pages, index UDK 616.314-001.4-76-77