About the author:
Komskiy M. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. Osteomyelitis of jaws, especially of lower jaw, is the most accepted and heavy form of odontogenic inflammatory diseases complications. The full-time regional intraarterial injection of augmenting with excess of average dynamic pressure in external carotid artery for 15 mm of mercury (11. 3 hPa), basing of lymphotropic therapy, changes the pharmakokinetic properties of antibiotic. However finally not resolved is the problem of extending and duration of antibacterial concentration in focus of inflammation by antibiotics intra-arterial injection. The purpose of investigation. Determination of changes augmenting concentration in blood serum, outflowing from lower jaw of patient with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of lower jaw from the side of patology focus by traditional (intravenous) and intraarterial, using by injection of lymphotropic therapy during post operative period. Material and research methods. For clinical investigation were selected two groups of persons. To the first group were added 18 patients with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of lower jaw, treated by traditional method. To the second group were added 18 patients with chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of lower jaw, treated by lymphotropic method. The sample was collected for patients: a) treated by traditional method. Antibacterial drug augmenting was injected in doses 1. 2g three times per a day, intravenous during 7 days; b) treated by lymphotropic method. . Antibacterial drug Amoksiklav was injected in doses 1. 2g per a day, intraarterial during 5 days. Determination of augmenting concentration in blood serum was performed by high-yield liquid chromatography with following spectrofluorimetric and mass-spectrometric detection. Research results. Comparison of augmenting concentration by two intravascular methods of administration shows that intraarterial injection by chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of lower jaw lead to speed-up appearance of antibiotic in large doses in blood serum, outflowing from lesion. After 30min. of monitoring, the level of augmenting by intravenous injection was lower for 37,0% (p<0,05), and after 24 hours – for 33. 3% (p<0. 05), then by intraarterial injection. Conclusion. The results of mass- spectrometric research of augmenting concentration shows that during lymphotropic treatment in post operative period by chronic odontogenic osteomyelitis of lower jaw, after 5min. appears in blood, outflowing from lesion in concentration, in 4-5 times more then traditional (intravenous) usage.
osteomyelitis of jaws, augmenting concentration in blood serum, lymphotropic therapy, regional intraarterial injection
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 181-184 pages, index UDK 616. 716. 4:(616-006. 34:616-002. 32:615. 281. 9)-08-052