About the author:
Korol D. M., Skubiy I. V., Cherevko F. А., Onipko Ye. L., Yefymenko А. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the paper, the authors propose a method of determining the functional condition of muscles of mastication with use of infrared thermometer, when dentures manufacturing. Determining the chewing muscles condition, when dentures manufacturing, was performed as follows: after history taking and visual examination of the oral cavity right in the dental chair using a Medisana FTN, non-contact infrared thermometer, a surface temperature of muscles of mastication was measured in the projection of sym-metrical points of muscles of mastication left and right consistently at rest, in a condition of static tension with mouth closed during 2 minutes, in a condition of functional tension during 2 minutes also; then obtained figures were compared, and the condition of muscles of mastication was determined by the difference of values in the projection of marked points. It was found that the normal functional condition of muscles of mastication is defined when the temperature dif-ference is 0. 2 °C at rest and 0. 3-0. 5 °C in a condition of tension on both sides; adaptive compensatory hypertrophy of muscles of mastication is diagnosed when the temperature difference is 0. 2 °C at rest and 0. 6-0. 8 °C under load; pathological dystrophy of muscles of mastication is diagnosed when the temperature difference is 0. 3-0. 4 °C at rest and there is no temperature increase under load. Functional decompensation is diagnosed when the tempera-ture difference is less than 0. 2 °C at rest, and the temperature drops under load. There were found from the studies such temperature features in the projection of symmetrical points of muscles of mastication left and right as a normal range, increase and decrease in temperature in the muscles of mastication at rest, in a condition of static tension with mouth closed and in a condition of functional tension in patients with secondary partial adentia before treatment, during the treatment and after it. 35 patients with secondary partial adentia were examined by the proposed method for determining the func-tional condition of muscles of mastication, when dentures manufacturing, before treatment, during the treatment and after it. Infrared thermometry by dint of a Medisana FTN, non-contact infrared thermometer, could be used as a screen-ing method for early detection of chewing muscles dysfunction that can be useful for timely prevention of complica-tions in a dental prosthetics clinic. Thus, the proposed method for determining the functional condition of muscles of mastication, when dentures manufacturing, can achieve a precise determination of condition of muscle chewing function for a minimum time and provides a simplification of inspection procedure and condition monitoring of muscles of mastication during patient treatment and rehabilitation, increasing an efficiency level of orthopedic treatment. Repeated temperature measurements, when providing prosthetic treatment, allow following the development dynamics of pathological process and evaluating the effectiveness of treatment.
muscles of mastication, functional condition, infrared thermometry, dentures
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 189-192 pages, index UDK 616. 314-76-77-085. 46