About the author:
Liubarets S. F.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The thesis represents a fragment of the scientific research performed by the pediatric therapeutic stomatology and stomatological diseases prevention chair of the O. Bohomolets National Medical university: «Gen-eral causative factors of stomatological health status’ development in children and teenagers». The interdisciplinary complex program «Health of Nation», approved by the Cabinet of Ministers Decree №14, issued on the 10th of January 2002, states that there is necessity to «improve the informational status of children, parents and children in reference to the aims and methods of caries prevention…». The main goal of the sanitation-hygienic education is to «enrich» the population with the knowledge of the healthy lifestyle, causes of stomatologi-cal diseases and the necessity of preventive measures. The aim of the research is an increase in the pediatric stomatological diseases prevention effectiveness by the sanitation educational measures performed. The authors have studied 196 students of the «Universum» lyceum (Kyiv) aged 13-17 years (according to the Agreement on the scientific-practical collaboration between the lyceum and the chair of the pediatric therapeutic stomatology and stomatological diseases prevention, O. Bohomolets National Medical University). There has been stated high prevalence of caries, gingivitis, hard dental tissues lesions as well as satisfactory oral hygiene level. This provides for urgency of the sanitation-educational measures among the studied respondents. The first stage of the sanitation-educational activities was characterized by explanative lectures read to the ly-ceum director, teachers and medical personnel. The second stage of active sanitation-educational activities in organized collective groups are discussions with parents aimed to solve such tasks: to concern the parents with their children’s dental and oral health and motivate them to perform and maintain preventive measures in the children groups. The third stage of active sanitation educational measures was represented with discussions and health lessons. During the examination of the lyceum students each of them was recommended certain hygienic means. The health lesson conducted by the 3rd course stomatological faculty students disclosed some important aspects of the oral cavity anatomy and physiology, causes and etiology of diseases, possibilities and methods of prevention. The results of study which was performed using the questions from the modified anonymous questionnaire WHO – 2013, show that 32% of children attend the stomatologist only if pain is present; 2% brush their teeth after each food intake; nearly 30% of the lyceum students abuse sweets every day. The students and lyceum authorities were informed about the obtained results. The authors in collaboration with interns of the chair have created in the ly-ceum the so-called «Corner of stomatological health». Now the students are guaranteed free access to information about the choice of the basic and additional hygienic means according to their stomatological status, they can read interesting historical data, learn about the performed study results. Such passive promotion provides for reaching the goals and tasks of active sanitation-educational measures effectiveness. The stomatological status data, information obtained during communication with teachers, medical personnel, parents and children reveal the absence or insufficiently effective program of prevention and detection of the prob-lem within stomatological management system. The further research perspectives. 1. Analysis of the stomatological diseases risk factors in the studied groups. 2. Creation of the curative-preventive measures complex set. 3. Monitoring of the proposed creative-preventive measures complex set effectiveness.
children, prophylaxis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 224-227 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 1-007. 23-053. 3/7:613. 95:374. 6