About the author:
Manashchuk N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Introduction. Numerous epidemiological studies conducted in different countries have shown that periodontal disease is the most common dental disease to date. Numerous studies show a relationship occurrence of periodontal diseases with the presence of comorbidity in the body, especially the digestive tract. Diseases of the colon leading to reduced non-specific resistance, which in turn contributes to a negative impact on periodontal and oral mucosa microflora. The purpose of the study. The study of the prevalence and clinical features of disease periodontal tissues with chronic colitis. Materials and methods. During the execution of this study examined 118 patients. Among them, 73 patients with chronic colitis the patients of gastroenterology departments of hospitals in Ternopil and 45 people of the control group – patients almost healthy. Results. A study dental examination of patients with chronic colitis showed them the high prevalence of peri-odontal diseases 84. 93%. They were represented mainly by chronic catarrhal gingivitis (63. 02%), and generalized periodontitis (21. 91%). Patients in the control group was higher percentage of clinically healthy periodontal tissues – 66. 67%. Diagnosis exhibited based on dental checkups and periodontal status determination. Chronic catarrhal gingivitis II severity was recorded in 24 patients and I severity – in 21 patients. In one patient was diagnosed with chronic catarrhal gingivitis III severity. In 15 patients of group comparisons in most cases diagnosed chronic catarrhal gingivitis I severity (81,82%) and chronic catarrhal gingivitis II severity (18. 18%). The 14 individuals was discovered generalized periodontitis I severity. In 1 patient was diagnosed initial degree of periodontitis and 1 – generalized periodontitis II severity. All 4 patients in the comparison generalized periodontitis I severity. Analysis of the incidence of periodontal tissues based on age criteria in patients with chronic colitis showed that people who have chronic catarrhal gingivitis with age, there was a deepening of the pathological process, ie, the older the patient, the more difficult process. Thus, the average age of patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis I degree was (35,6±0,06) years, II degree – already (55,90±0,04) years. Age of patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis severity III – 61 years. Review of patients with chronic colitis were performed in hospital 6-10 days of their stay. All patients recorded worsening of chronic catarrhal gingivitis and generalized periodontitis. The main complaints were pain, swelling, bleeding gums when brushing, food intake and mechanical stimulation. Sample Schiller – Pisarev was strongly positive in both gingivitis and periodontitis with. On examination, sharply clear hyperemic, swollen, painful on palpation, bleeding in probing. Observed gingival pocket. Recorded bleeding I and II levels, depending on the diagnosis. All patients marked by the presence of hard and soft dental plaque. The high prevalence of periodontal diseases in these patients observed in the presence of chronic colitis, which is confirmed by the definition of periodontal status in this group of patients and its probable differences for the increased frequency of the comparison group.
chronic colitis, generalized periodontitis, catarrhal gingivitis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 239-241 pages, index UDK 616-097-02:616. 314. 18-002. 44