About the author:
Martinenko I. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Were investigated the character and duration of clinical procedures of dentist in obtaining functional impressions in patients with complete loss of teeth. To estimate the duration of working time in obtaining of func-tional impression, were conducted chronometric studies of manipulations in 15 cases using three methods. For comparison were used: - method of obtaining of functional impression by Herbst; - method proposed by Dolya AV; - method developed at the Department of prosthetic dentistry and implantology of HSEIU “Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy”. As the norm, was taken estimated working time of dentist according to the Order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine №507 from 28. 12. 2002 “Approval of the standards of medical care and indicators of care quality”. Duration of working time of clinical manipulation was carried out by the watch clock (type «Agate 5703”). The data was analyzed with the calculation of average numbers, average error, and reliability of differences by Student. Working time of using technique developed at the Department of prosthetic dentistry and implantology of HSEIU «Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy» with the use of new domestic thermoplastic material is 20. 86 minutes and includes 7 manipulation. In our case we used the pre-prepared individual tray. For modification we shortened it`s edges for 2-3 mm and manufactured it on base of pliability of the mucosa. Used thermoplastic material «Vos-koplast» had a special form: this is a profile length of 26 cm with a cross section 3,9 x4, 8 mm2 with 2. 1 mm groove formed along the entire length, allowing you quickly and efficiently conduct surrounding of individual trays for 1. 50 min. (%) of the total time. The physical properties of the material allow performing of full range of functional tests (tests) for high- quality functional impression. Impressions based on the degree mucosa pliability were performed using Stomaflex, Spidex according to the instructions. The time difference was only in the fact that by this method no modification was needed for individual trays. In comparison with the norms of the Order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine №507 working time in obtaining of functional impression in the first case increased in 3. 5 times, in the second – in 4. 7 time. In our case, working time approaching to the medical-economic standardWas conducted chronometry research, and comparison of con-ventional and proposed methods. Found difference in the duration of working time, which is directly depends from the using materials. Average working time in taking of functional impressions by our proposed method compares favorably to the taking of such functional impressions by known techniques. From this data, we can conclude that the developed thermoplastic material and method of its use can be recommended in clinical practice in the manu-facture of complete removable dentures.
functional impression, chronometry study, thermoplastic impression material, complete removable dentures
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 1 (107), 2014 year, 242-244 pages, index UDK 616. 314-76-77