Pohodenko-Chudakova I. O., Vilkitzkaya K. V., Popova I. I.


About the author:

Pohodenko-Chudakova I. O., Vilkitzkaya K. V., Popova I. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The purpose of the research is to identify experimental dynamics of Са2+ ions level and alkaline phosphatase activity level in blood serum in different types of complex treatment of traumatic toxic injury of inferior alveolar nerve. Object and methods of research. Surgery for foreign body (filling material) removal from the mandibular canal and the necrotizing section of the nerve trunk after the toxic effect of chemical agent has been performed on two sets of “Chinchilla” rabbits, 2A and 2b, 7 rodents each. In the 2B set the postoperative surgical treatment was supplemented with reflexology to optimize the rehabilitation. Results of the research and their discussions. In conventional treatment of traumatic toxic injury of inferior al-veolar nerve the dynamics of the Ca2 + ions level in blood serum of experimental animals from the 2A set reflected the tendency toward index stabilization at the level of values, close to standard. Change of ALP level of activity in different types of complex treatment has reversed the trend. In conventional treatment the increase in values up to standard was detected by the 14th day of observation. In the 7th day, 1, 1,5 and 3 months the significant index stabi-lization at the level of 19,6 was observed. By the 4 months, the alkaline phosphatase level of activity has lowered to the value, similar to preoperational one. In the 2B set the increase of studied index as compared with initial value, has been detected at all stages of observation, but it was not significant. As a result of the comparative estimation of the alkaline phosphatase activity level in blood serum in different types of complex treatment, significant differences between the 2A and 2B sets have been registered during obser-vation periods of 1. 5, 2, 2. 5, 3 and 4 months (p < 0. 05). In the studied sets the Са2+ ions level significantly differed in the 14th day of observation. Conclusions. In differenttypes of treatment, change of analyzing biochemical indices was of opposite direction. Elevated level of Са2+ ions could indicate not only directly on the process of osseous tissue remodeling, but also indirectly on activation of reparative processes in nerve fiber and restoration of its conductivity. Change of ALP level of activity in the postoperative period has reflected the dynamics of reflects of compensatory reactions adjustment of osseous tissue of the lower jaw as a result of the surgery, accompanied by its immediate traumatism. Perspectives of further researches. Estimation of change of serum biochemical indices in complex treatment of traumatic toxic injury of the inferior alveolar nerve during all stages of rehabilitation will enable to predict the effec-tiveness of interventions, as well as to determine the possibility of development of pyoinflammatory complications in the early postoperative period.


inferior alveolar nerve, traumatic toxic injury, alkaline phosphatase, calcium ions


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 089-093 pages, index UDK 617. 528 – 001 – 08 – 06: 616. 151 – 092. 4