Ruda I. V., Popova O. I.


About the author:

Ruda I. V., Popova O. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Despite significant advances in the development of dentistry the dental caries incidence remains the leading problem among preschool and early school age. To our opinion the particular attention deserves the children of 5-7 years old. This period of life is crucial in view of the significant psychological, physical, mental strain on the childs organism as a result of the preparation to school and the first year at school education. Also, this period coincides with the eruption of the first permanent teeth – molars, which in turn, also has an effect on the body as a whole, and the ecosystem of the oral cavity, changing some of its parameters in response to the eruption process. Of course, on these two aspects are included adaptive- compensatory mechanisms in the organism of the child. The aim of our investigation was to examine and analyze the prevalence and the intensity of caries of decidu-ous and permanent teeth in children from 5 to 7 years old in Vinnitsya. In order to study the condition of dental hard tissues at the chair department of pediatric dentistry VNMU by M. I. Pirogov, we have examined 105 children of which 34 children 5 years, 38 children 6 years and 33 children of 7 years old of Vinnitsya. In the course of the investigation it is established that caries prevalence of deciduous and permanent teeth was 88,1±1,35% (93 children) and evidence of mass disease according to WHO. In girls, the index is 87,64±1,98%, and in boys – 89,78±1,83%. It has also increase the prevalence of caries of deciduous teeth with age. So if for children 5 years old, the index is 82,84±3,23%, then 6 years old, it grows up to 85,71±3,54%, and up to 7 years – until 90,29±2,92% (p>0,01). It was established that the rate of caries intensity in deciduous teeth of children on average is 5,46±0,34, and dft surfaces – 8,41±0,59. DFT surfaces increases with age, indicating the prevalence of the carious process on the surface of teeth. So, from 5 to 7 years, the readings are increased to 2,14 (p<0,01). Analyzis of the prevalence of dental caries of permanent teeth is revealed that the girls have seen a dramatic increase in the number of persons with decayed permanent teeth with age from 4,13±2,28% in 5-year to 12,95±4,26% (p1 >0,05) and 45,27±6,73% and 40,11±5,73% (p2 <0. 001, p3 <0. 001) in 6 and 7- year. In addition, in boys 5 years old it is established no one child with caries of permanent teeth, but in 6 and 7- year this index was 18,00±5,39% and 33,42±6,90%. The intensity of caries in permanent teeth of children on average is 0,44±0,07, whereby the index “D” is 0,30±0,06 tooth per child, and the “F” – 0,14±0,04. Analysis of individual components of DMFt index in examined children with age found that the number of untreated caries in permanent teeth per child gravely increases from 5 to 6 years – from 0,02±0,01 to 0,28±0,07 tooth (p<0,001). From the age of 7 years seen a further increase in the number of untreated carious teeth 0,57±0,10 (p<0,05). Analyzing the readings of filling teeth: in 5 years this index was 0,01±0,01, then 6 years old, it grows up to 0,07±0,03 filled tooth (p1 >0,05), and 7 years was 0,46±0,08, (p2 <0,001, p3 <0,001). So high prevalence and intensity of dental caries and intensive growth of these same parameters with age from 5-7 years old for permanent teeth provide a basis to argue that this age group deserves attention and further detailed study of all the factors that trigger occurrence of this situation and the conceptual and differential approach to improving existing methods of caries prevention, development and implementation of medical preventive programs for preschool and primary school age.


caries, intensity, prevalence, children


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 126-129 pages, index UDK 616. 314-002-053. 5(447. 44)