Tkachenko I. M.


About the author:

Tkachenko I. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Increased dental abrasion is considered as рolyetiological progressive process without the possibil-ity of regeneration, which is accompanied by a number of morphological, aesthetic and functional disorders and is able to significantly reduce the quality of life of patients. The diagnosis of unreasonably high abrasion of dental hard tissues based on hard tissue hypersensitivity, abrasion and chewing surfaces of the cutting edge without odont-ometrycal performance. According to the literature 92% of healthy dental patients aged 40 to 98 years have some degree of dental abrasion, which in most cases can be attributed to physiological and physiological aging process. Therefore, in our opinion, determining the height and width of the coronal tooth with saline type erasure in people of all ages and types of malocclusion can be ideal for comparison with the height and width of coronal tooth type with high abrasion and diagnosis of high abrasion. The aim of the study is to determine the height and width of the coronal tooth of the patients of all ages and with different kind of bite that have a physiological type of tooth abrsion, for comparison, in the future, with the same parameters dental patients who have an increased abrasion for objec-tive diagnosis. For the purpose of the study and the task carried out an epidemiological study on the treatment of patients in the number of 875 persons aged 19 to 69 years with an aim of identifying the number of people who have an increased dental abrasion( localized and generalized ) and the reasons that might provoke or encumber the de-velopment of this disease. A measurement of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws according to establishing resiz-ing teeth in the age aspect, the various types of malocclusion and the presence of increased wear of the teeth. It is the study of the size of the teeth in the age aspect to determine the optimal size of the average height of the coronal tooth for a diagnosis of high abrasion or prerequisites for its occurrence. As a result of examination of 874 patients with such occlusion was found in 603 subjects, representing 69%, direct occlusion observed 90 patients (10,3%, respectively), the percentage of patients who had a deep bite was 17,4% (152 patients, respectively), open noted in 14 patients, representing 1,6% - 2% of patients. When comparing the size of coronal teeth patients of different age groups hardly found significant differences resize the height and width of teeth of patients aged 20 to 29 years and those aged 30 to 39 years. In all other groups, the comparison clearly apparent difference concerning to the size of the teeth with age decreasing as the height and width of the teeth on the upper and lower jaws. The data in the table can be used to compare the relative size of teeth according to the age characteristics. However, as noted above, the size of the teeth, including the height and width depends also on the type of bite, which affects the severity and height humps teeth enamel layer thickness and as a result – the severity of sagittal and transversal occlusal curves that affect the features movement of the mandible. To sum it up the dependence of the height and width of teeth crowns of surveyed patients who sought dental care, to the type of malocclusion and age has been observed. Most clearly observed correlation between height and type of occlusion in the study of ortohnatical, direct and deep bite. The dependence of the width of the teeth on the type of bite is low.


physiological sizes of coronal part of teeth, high teeth attrition


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 169-173 pages, index UDK 616. 314-001. 4 -084-08