Udod A. A., Chelyach E. N.


About the author:

Udod A. A., Chelyach E. N.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Aim. Comparative clinical evaluation of dental restorations from nanofilled light-curing composite material for the criteria “surface roughness” using different polishing systems and clinical tests evaluation. Material and methods. The object of the study were 98 patients aged 20-45 years with hard tissue defects of front teeth caries genesis (III and IV classes of Black). The 141 restoration works was performed using nanofilled light-curing composite material Artiste ®, Pentron Clinical. All patients were divided into two groups: the first group consisted of patients who finishing restorations performed multi polishing systems Optidisc, Kerr, second group – patients who restorations polished one-step system PoGo, Dentsply. Clinical evaluation of restorations front teeth on the criterion “surface roughness” was performed immediately after recovery and at 12 months in accordance with the assessment tests G. Ryge and according to the original clinical quality assurance system for surface restoration work on the basis of computer analysis Results and discussion. After restoration during the visual examination for the criterion “surface roughness” all restorations were received an excellent rating. So computer analysis revealed the first group of patients, 7,04±2,93% restoration work in the second group – 10,00±2,76% of restorations that require refinishing and which were rated “B” by the developed clinical system. Great score for the same computer methods in the first group of patients were 92,96±2,93% CARRIED OUT RESTORATION WORK, THE SECOND – 90,00±2,76%. After 12 months, the results of visual examination of restorations for the criterion “surface roughness” indicating a significant reduction in the number of restorations that get “A” category. Patients of the first group of papers was 87,87±3,56%, in patients of the second group – 64,67±3,93%. Due to the emergence of macrosurface roughness with small indentations that require refinishing, patients of the first group of 12,13±3,56% of restorations, the second group of 26,92±3,93% of restorations were classified as “B”, which is significantly more (p<0. 05) than in the survey of these restorations in the past period. Evaluation of surface roughness by computer showed that in the first and second groups of patients the number of operations that need refinishing, grew not only in numbers but also to spread the area of restoration. An examination within the specified period for developed clinical quality assurance system for surface restoration work on the basis of computer analysis were reported restoration that were rated “C”. In the first group of patients such restorations were found in the second group the number was 8,33±4,12%. Grade “B” in the first group of patients received 27,42±4,09% restoration work in the second group – 35,43±4,12% restorations, got excellent grades 72,58±4,09% restorations and 56,24±4,12% restoration work, respectively. Conclusions. Use of new light-curing composite materials is not a guarantee of high quality of work, only a comprehensive approach to the choice of not only reducing the composite, but also polishing system for finishing the surface restorations can achieve and maintain performance quality of the restoration on different dates. Great results restoring teeth closely associated with early objective diagnosis of complications such as appearance macroroughness surface and measures for their prevention. The proposed system clinical evaluation of surface roughness restoration work on the basis of computer analysis allows a detailed objective quantitative assessment of surface quality restoration and develop recommendations to prevent the occurrence of complications.


restoration of front teeth, finishing, polishing systems, the quality of the surface


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 193-195 pages, index UDK 314. 3/. 4-085-089. 818. 1