Shadlinskaya R. V. Huseynova T. G.


About the author:

Shadlinskaya R. V. Huseynova T. G.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Thalassemia syndrome is inherited disorders caused by decreased or absent synthesis of - globin chains. Among the most prominent signs of the - thalassemia there are severe anemia with an intense but inef-fective erythropoiesis, excessive bone marrow and extra medullary hematopoiesis activity, leading to a marked changes in developing of the facial and skull bones. Liver and spleen are also affected and are enlarged due an increased hemolysis. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive study of the changes and the most characteristic pathological appearances in maxillofacial area of patients with - thalassemia. 40 patients (23 male and 17 female) in age of 4-16 years was held clinical-instrumental and X-ray examination. Radiographic studies were performed on the Panorama Morita Veroviewepocs (2D) unit. During the examination of patient we noticed that they had pale skin with dark circles around the eyes. The deformation of the skull and face bones were observed in the middle zone, including «tower» skull, flat nose bridge, prominent cheekbones, excessive development of the upper jaw, what caused distal occlusion. The examination of oral cavity revealed changes in the hard tissues of the teeth as hypo-plasia, dark-brown pigmentation and superficial necrosis. We noticed abnormal position of the upper jaw, delayed eruption of premolars and molars. Radiographic studies of the maxillofacial region in patients with - thalassemia sowed big changes identified as overdevelopment of the jaws, especially the upper and lower jaw in the area of an-gles, diffuse osteoporosis and osteoporosis in separate sections, trabecular thinning and reduced trabecular bone volume, and resorption of the vertices of the interdental septa. The results of this study revealed the polymorphism of pathological manifestations in the maxillofacial region in the form of characteristic features with the features of thalassemia symptom. Severity of functional and aesthetic disorders is in the relationship with the severity of blood transfusion and treatment regimen. An effective stomatological care can make improvement in oral health in chil-dren who had - thalassemia. Further researches will be aimed at studies and other forms of - thalassemia (includ-ing intermediate talassemia). The morphological histological studies will be also held and we are going to progress an algorithm of effective treatment and dental care which are going to include oral cavity sanation, elimination of odontogenic infection. The researches in terms of prenatal diagnosis of hereditary diseases should be carrying on with genetics.


maxillofacial region, deformation, thalassemia, osteoporosis


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 2 (108), 2014 year, 225-227 pages, index UDK 617. 52; 616. 155. 16