Dovgal G. V.

The Comparative Analysis of Final Module Control in Human Anatomy

About the author:

Dovgal G. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Recently in Ukrainian medical education, the importance of MCQ-testing of basic subjects for the control of knowledge increases. Human Anatomy is one of the most important items among theoretical subjects taught in higher medical education. In order to establish the compliance of MCQ- testing as the sole criterion for the final score for the module we analyzed the results of the final control by the traditional approach (including the MCQ-test and practical skills) and only MCQ-tests as a form of final module. During the study period test control was conducted using databases of tests on human anatomy recommended for the students of medical faculties and located on the site of “Test Center” (testcentr. org. ua). Tests were divided into themes according to the curriculum of the department and placed on the website of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy on page of Human Anatomy Department. The total number of tests for ukranian students is about 1,000, for Russian-speaking foreign students – 900, English-speaking foreign students – 450. Database is also used for the content modules (seminars) and routine control as follows: a student who has shown on a content module test result below 60. 5% (according to the criteria of the license test exam «Krok-1») is rated “unsatisfactory”. At the end of the course students were passed the “slice” of knowledge, based on which we can predict the results of the final exam. The next and final stage of discipline is the final module control. Over the last four years by order of the rector of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy the final module control of human anatomy and histology is the only one and is conducted in the winter session. At my initiative (as head of the Human Anatomy Department), in 2014 the final module of the human anatomy was performed as a MCQ-testing which was organized by the me-thodical commission. This made it possible to carry out the final stage as a independent control of knowledge. This practice is widely used in other medical universities in Ukraine – Ternopol State Medical University, Zaporozhe State Medical University. Control of practical skills of students of human anatomy was made at the last classes of the se-mester and was not a criterion for admission to pass the tests. We compared the results of the qualitative success for two different forms of exam were used in 2013 (traditional approach) and in 2014 (MCQ-testing). The students of budget faculties demonstrate the best results in any form the final control. The difference in results between faculties was the same for two different forms of control, but when MCQ-testing was used as a final test; qualitative academic performance was higher in all the faculties. We believe that the differences in the academic performance of student in various faculties arise from the motivational factors. The results are also connected with the fact that the admissions process for budget faculties had higher competition. The final qualitative academic performance in human anatomy was taken by various forms of final control car-ried out at the Human Anatomy Department of Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy retains its value in different facul-ties. So the carefully prepared and properly conducted MCQ-test provides the high level of objectivity and demon-strates the comparable results with other forms of final control. We propose MCQ-test for the final module control. Practical skills are passed by the students in each content module.


human anatomy, qualitative academic performance, MCQ-test


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 91-93 pages, index UDK 611: 378. 146