Ways to Improve Students Achievement in Medical Schools of Fundamental Department for Example of Human Anatomy Department
About the author:
G. V. Dovgal, E. O. Nefedova, N. Y. Zharikov, Y. V. Suponko
Type of article:
Scentific article
Medicine is a branch of science and practice, studying normal and pathological processes in the human body, various diseases, pathological conditions, methods of prevention and strengthening health. Since time immemorial, the artists of the Middle Ages emphasized the importance of inexhaustible medicine and its de-velopment for humanity as medical activities aimed at preventing disease, saving human life and depriving him from suffering. For millennia evolved humanistic principles of medicine, according to which individual medical profession have no right to cause harm to human health, to condemn to death the patient to use his plight to enrich. The problem of quality of health care is crucial for future operation and development of the health system. The issue of quality of care for modern science and practice quite relevant. The doctor, dealing directly with life and health of the patient, giving the Hippocratic Oath in their daily professional activities must constantly reflect on their actions in health care. Wrong move, wrong decision can lead to medical adverse outcome for the patient. From how well the doctor performed his professional functions, the future of an individual’s health and a full life in the social world. So the key to high-quality medicine – are professional recruitment background. In Ukraine, medical schools, providing healthcare to obtain higher education are continuously improving processes and improve its quality. Be-cause the requirements for modern doctor fast growing and must comply with foreign standards. The research is based on the analysis of student achievement in medical and ways to improve the efficiency of teaching. We had seen a sharp decline in quality performance and decrease the average score of all students learning an average of 14%, which could be due to a large variety of factors. According to enrich the educational process performance measures have been taken aimed at eliminating academic debt, to strengthen the monitoring of implementation of classroom work and individual students to improve information and provision leading to the creation of conditions for students aimed at obtaining high-quality experience and knowledge, as well as the elimination of all deterrent factors training.
human anatomy, the learning process, qualitative performance, absolute performance
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 94-97 pages, index UDK 611: 378. 146