Svintsitska N. L.

Ways of Increase of Efficiency of Educational Process on Human Anatomy

About the author:

Svintsitska N. L.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Problems of improvement and reforming of the higher education and science, being the most effective factors of development of a society, always are in the centre of attention of national and international institutions. The important stage in formation of qualitative new education system in Europe is its development on uniform all-European methodological and technological bases. One of preconditions of occurrence of Ukraine in uniform European and world educational space is introduc-tion in system of the state higher education of the European credit-transfer system that functions at institutional,regional, national and European levels and is the key requirement of the Bolonsky declaration. The modern Ukrainian pedagogical science is in a condition of constant development and reforming, therefore special value is got by the questions connected with development and application of individual approaches that is necessary compound leading ideas of optimisation of the organisation of pedagogical process. Achievement of the maximal development of abilities and opportunities of students, and also maintenance of quality of the preparation of experts at a level of international requirements is the most important task of the system of the higher education of Ukraine. Very actual problem is introduction of new techniques of teaching of morphological disciplines in higher educational medical institutions of our country. Educational work of teachers and its influence on formation consciousness at the future doctor remains to the most important. The basic measure of quality of educational work with students is precisely constructed educational process, its organic connection with practical activities. It demands from the teacher of a higher educational medical institution of the creative approach and inspiration for the further energization of work of students on practical occupations. Experience testifies that own scientific researches of the teacher have direct communication with motivation of the student to training and mastering of professional skills by it. Some years materials of scientific researches which are spent by teachers of chair, join in pedagogical process. New techniques of teaching should base on such forms of training which satisfy with the greatest image requirement of students for self-improvement, self-discipline, self-education. The huge role is played it by the person of the teacher. We would not apply what methods the main our problem consists in formation at students of strong base knowl-edge on the anatomy, which future doctors in full could apply on clinical chairs at the decision of practical prob-lems, and at delivery of necessary licence examinations. In the system of higher education focused on transfer of knowledge, all completeness of responsibility on displaying activity of students. Developing training cultivates the creative approach to activity, forms general skills, promotes mastering by means and ways of thinking, develops representation, memory and form emotional culture and culture of dialogue. All previously mentioned starts internal mechanisms of development of the person, capable to provide society development.


education in the higher medical institutions, the development of abilities of students, formation of the clinical thinking, anatomy, morphology


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 101-104 pages, index UDK 611: 378. 14: 376. 68