Selihova L. G., Kolomiec A. A., Borzykh O. A., Degtar N. I., Gerasimenko N. D.

These Studies of the Cardiovascular System in Patients with Bronchial Asthma as a Result of Treatment

About the author:

Selihova L. G., Kolomiec A. A., Borzykh O. A., Degtar N. I., Gerasimenko N. D.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Studyinghypertension inhabitants of the Chernobyl zone came to the conclusion that the inhabitants of the zone of strict radiation monitoring border arterial hypertension is more common than in clean areas and flows in a more severe form that require doctors increased attention to the patients. The pathogenesis of myocardial damage of patients with bronchial asthma is complex and not fully understood. One of the reasons of damage of myocardium and cardiac dysrhythmias – uncontrolled appointment β – stimulants and electrocardiographic and pathological changes in patient’s bronchial asthma testify about the defeat of the heart muscle the same allergic substances, which cause the development of asthma. Some researchers have at-tributed the damage of myocardium in patients with infectious asthma with the action of 2 factors: infectious and allergic. We studied objectively and Subjective data from the cardiovascular system in patients with asthma liquidators of the Chernobyl accident (study group) and patients with asthma who were not taking part in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident (control group) as a result of treatment. Seeing fewer complaints of pain in the heart of 38.2% in primary and 34.9% in the control group of patients with asthma. Palpitations, respectively – by 23.56% and 19. 02%, disruptions in the heart – by 14.66% and 17. 5%. Pulse returned to normal in 14 (41.1%) patients of the study, and 19 (30.16%) patients with asthma control group. All 16 patients in the control group was normalized systolic and diastolic pressure when in the main group only 4 of 9 (11.76%). Increased sonority tones on top of the heart, which indicates an improvement of myocardial contractility. Gain (accent) II – second tone on the pulmonary artery in both groups remained unchanged. Increased border liver Kurlov stayed in 4 (11.76%) patients with asthma the main group and in 6 (9. 59%) in the control group. All patients of the control group analyzed the results of the ECG – study the dynamics of the therapy. Studies have shown that the complex therapy of patients with asthma core group contributed to the normaliza-tion of some indicators of the ECG. Thus, sinus tachycardia to normal after treatment in 2/ 3 patients. Observed before treatment arrhythmia in patients after treatment in both the main and the control group is not marked in any way. In a larger number of patients in both groups returned to normal change interval and ECG peaks, including some signs of Sokolov-Lyons. Thus, patients with asthma main group R aVR than 5 mm was normalized at 28.2% whereas in the control group – 38.3% (P < 0.01), the internal time deviation in lead V1- 2 0, 04 – 0. 07 s, respectively, 21. 2% and 32.1% depression negative T ST V1 V1 – 21,0% and 37 5%. Tall, pointed P1 P2 -3, R aVF 1. 5 mm in the treatment in the control group improved more than in the main group. Therefore performance of the heart in patients with asthma core group normalized to a lesser extent than in con-trols, indicating that the large changes in the heart of the group, played an important role than radioactive irradiation. We learned the basic hemodynamic parameters after combined therapy in patients with asthma and control groups. Learning basic hemodynamic parameters in the complex treatment of patients with asthma we found that under its influence, they improve especially in the control group. This is evidenced by increasing stroke index 4,0 ± 1,5 ml/m2 core and 6,2 ± 1,0 ml/m2 in the control group, increase in cardiac index, respectively, l 0,3 ± 0,03 / min/m2, reducing the total peripheral resistance – to 190,0 ± 16,2 dyne / -5 sccm and 200,0 ± 14,6 dyne / ccm and MPAP -5 – to 6,9 ± 0,8 mm. Hg. Art. and – 2,0 ± 0,6 mm. Hg. Art. We found that the change in the large pulmonary circulation depend on the severity of bronchial obstruction, which was significantly reduced as a result of the recommended adjuvant therapy. Therefore, combination therapy recommended in patients with BA improves the functional state of the lungs and cardiovascular system, and also to a greater extent in patients in the control group.


bronchial asthma, cardiovascular system, liquidators of failure on CHAES


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 183-186 pages, index UDK 616. 248+616. 12] – 08