Yatsenko O. V., Yatsenko V. P.

Comparative Analysis of Characteristics of Erythrocytes Deformability in the «Mother – Fetus» System under Gravity Loading

About the author:

Yatsenko O. V., Yatsenko V. P.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The results of comparative analysis of characteristics of erythrocytes deformability in rats’ fetuses and pregnant females (30 experimental animals altogether of different age, including 14, 18 and 20-day fetuses), who underwent centrifugal gravity loading in craniocaudal and caudocranial directions, have been presented. The model of hyper gravity was reproduced by animals’ centrifugation in К26D centrifuge with rotor radius of 23 cm. Rats were placed into plastic compartments in such a way that their heads were oriented to centrifugal accel-eration, i. e., rodents’ heads were directed to the center (head-tail position), i. e., craniocaudal direction, and out of the center (tail-head position), i. e., caudocranial direction. The experiments have been carried out on IV groups of animals: Group I involved control pregnant females, who were kept in the same housing conditions as experimental ones, but did not undergo gravity loading (n=9); group II involved experimental pregnant females, who underwent gravity loading 2 g force (during 3 hours every day) in cau-docranial direction (n=9); group III involved experimental pregnant females, who underwent gravity loading 2 g force (during 3 hours every day) in craniocaudal direction (n=3); the IV group involved experimental pregnant females, who underwent gravity loading 4 g force (during 3 hours every day) in craniocaudal direction (n=9). The studies showed that in cord blood of 20-day old fetuses of white rats, subpopulation of normocytes constituted 94,73%, erythrocytes of b1 group – 3,22% and erythrocytes of b2-3 group – 1,41%. At the same time, stomatocytes of Type I and II prevailed in erythrocytes of b2-3 group. The analysis of peripheral blood of adult females showed that the rate of subpopulation of normocytes’ did not significantly differ from the similar one in fetuses and constituted 95,84%. At the same time the rate of subpopula-tion of erythrocytes of b1 group in animals was significantly and reliably lower (1,33%) than in fetuses and number of b2-3 group cells was growing up to 2,14%. Thus, it has been established that in fetuses the main manifestation of adaptive properties of organism is the moderately elevated number of echinocytes of Type I and II, whereas in adults, adaptation of organism manifests mainly in growth of subpopulation of stomatocytes in peripheral blood. Such different ratio in the system of echinocytes/ stomatocytes indicates that fetuses possess potentially more reserve of adaptive properties in comparison with adults. Taking into consideration the informational indices, this data may be used to evaluate peculiarities and degree of adequate reaction of organism of experimental animals of different age groups to the influence of the environment while solving multiple problems of ecological biosafety. The findings can also be used in different fields of experimental space medicine in planning of long-term space flights as well as in clinical medicine in evaluation and prediction of direction of possible disturbances of fetation during the prenatal period and postnatal development of newborns in various diseases of maternal organism.


fetuses of rats, pregnant females, gravity loading, echinocytes, stomatocytes


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 215-219 pages, index UDK 611. 51. 629. 7(092)