Abdul-Ogly L. V.

Morphometric Indicators of the Development of the Umbilical Cord with the Placenta Formation in Norm

About the author:

Abdul-Ogly L. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The placenta is connected with the body of the embryo and a fetus by means of the umbilical cord – a connective tissue element between a fetus and a placenta, the development and the formation of which begins at early stages of the development of the embryo synchronously with the growth of the placenta and is closely connected with the isolation of the body of the embryo from extraembryonic parts and the growth amnion. The length of the cord is an important diagnostic criterion. Both shortening, and excessive lengthening of the umbilical cord have their value. On the average, the length of an umbilical cord is 57 – 60 sm by the birth moment. The excessive lengthening of an umbilical cord is when more than 62 sm occurs. . An umbilical cord is considered to be short when it is less than 30 sm as it is shorter than patrimonial ways and does not provide a physiological current of the childbirth. A study exstraembryonic organ was conducted on embryos 13 – 42 weeks. Morphometric indicators of the length of the umbilical cord in the prenatal ontogenesis have been studied. In our researches we have shown, that the length umbilical cord is the important diagnostic criterion. Length of an umbilical cord – an indicator which consistently increases in the process of the pregnancy development. Therefore, the change of the length of the umbilical cord can be an indirect indicator of infringements of the placental – fetal blood-stream as the umbilical cord is an integral part of the system – mother – placenta – fetus. Morphometric indicators of the length of the umbilical cord in the prenatal ontogenesis have been studied. In our researches we have shown, that the length umbilical cord is the important diagnostic criterion. Our researches have shown, that a faster growth of the umbilical cord in norm is characteristic from 20th till 27th week in the prenatal ontogenesis, slower- from 28th week till 33rd week whereas after 38th week the gain of this indicator slowes down. However, morphometric parameters of not only the length, but also a quantitative measure of crimp is an impor-tant diagnostic criterion of the normal course of human prenatal development and early consequence of the devel-opment of the placenta is normal. From the third month of prenatal ontogenesis, the umbilical cord becomes a spiral course and begins to grow rapidly in length. The final number of turns is formed in the first trimester and is about 13-15 turns. However, hypo- or hyper tortuosity of umbilical cord accompanied by increased perinatal morbidity and mortality. Since the 13th week of development the umbilical cord has the typical structure coated with a single layer of epithelium stroma provided Wharton’s jelly. As a result of our research in the formation of the early placenta normal amount of curls to the umbilical cord fetal period was estimated on average about 14.


embryogenesis, the vascular channel of chorine, umbilical coiling


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 part 3 (109), 2014 year, 233-235 pages, index UDK 611. 12:611. 013. 8:572. 7